Before Part 3

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Silvia Winchested
I stood leaning against my board on the beach off to the side from everyone else, scanning the other competitors over to see who'd be the biggest threat. My watch beeped and I look down at it. Since it was connected to my phone I got txts and calls on it. I pressed answer and Crystals voice came from it. "Hey I rang to give you a warning about one of the competitors. His name is Kyle Brandon. He's a billionaire and is one of the 8 Riches. Be carefull with him. He's a good surfer. The top surfer at the moment and he likes to pick up girls." She says and I scan the crowd.
When I spot him I eye him over with narrowed eyes. "Thanks Crystal. He's surfing before me so I'll watch him and figure out how to beat him." I say.
"Good luck out there." Crystal says before hanging up.
I watch Kyle closely. He had rusty brown hair and a tall, solid and strong body. He looked good but now I know his type. Something about him however seemed vaguely familiar. Like I've seen a picture of him somewhere before.
He noticed I was watching him and turned to face me. Yup. I've seen him before. He was the best navy seal before I came along. He left for an unknown reason before joining the army which he also left. Kyle smirked and walked over with his board. It was a simple black with gray markings. "I couldn't help but notice you watching me." He smirked.
I eye him up and down before crossing my arms over my chest with my final conclusion. I'm gonna kick his ass. "Do I intrigue you?" He asks with a smile. I would have found it charming but I know better.
"Nah. Just came to the conclusion that your ass is gonna be black and blue by the end of this." I retort sharply and he chuckles.
"It's very clear your new here. One reason why is I haven't seen you around and not one beautiful girl like yourself can pass by without me noticing. Two is if you'd have competed against me before you'd know better than to make comments like you did." He said and I laugh shortly.
"Yes I am new. It means you haven't seen me surf before. Now you should go get ready. Your surfing soon. Make sure to have an ice pack ready for afterwards cause your ass isn't gonna like what's comin." I say snarkily and he looks me up and down curiously.
"Why don't you tell me what's coming so I can prepare?" He asks as his grey eyes lock with mine.
I pick up my board and walk past him, calling back the answer over my shoulder. "I'm gonna kick it and I'll be kicking it hard." His eyes widen slightly and I keep walking to get ready.
I'm the 10 th one to surf and the only one at this competition who hasn't competed before. "Let the competition begin." The comentator yells over a mic and the first surfer heads out.
Todays a great day for surfing. The waves are large and strong and there isn't a cloud in sight. News and sports cameras are scattered over the beach, videoing the surfers. They're good but I'm better. The first time I got on a surf board was when I was 4.
"Next to surf is the Kyle Brandon. The best surfer yet. Hasn't lost one compitition." The commentator calls and I nod slowly.
Kyle paddles out and sits on his board waiting for the perfect wave. It comes and he paddles towards it before turning to face the beach. I grab my board and take off running towards the small point not too far away. I keep watching Kyle out the corner of my eye and listening to the commentator. He is really good.
He glides perfectly over the wave. He does clean rolls, carves and tricks as if it were nothing. Making not even the smallest mistake. I walk out to the end of the rocky point and climb into the water. Kyles almost finished. Then it's my turn.
Swiftly I paddle out and away. Coming closer is a monster wave and I'm gonna be taming it. Kyle finishes with a perfect tunnel before gliding back to the beach. "Another wonderful surf fir the rainimg champ. Next up is a new surfer who hasn't surfed im a comp before. Her name is Silvia Winchester. Let's see if she has a chance against the champ." The commentator yells and I paddle away from the point amd towards the monster wave.
"Look at that wave. If Silvia tames that she might have had a chance. Being a newbe however this wave could cause serious injurie but it seems as though she's a no show." He continues.
I smirk as the wave gets closer. Turning, I wait.
The wave picks my up and I jump to my feet and glide down the wave and along the bottom, doing the occasional carve and spin along the way. "Wait. Silvia is taking on this monster wave. Let's see if she has the skill to tame this beast." The commentator yells and I smile.
Turning I race up the wave, my board flies up into the air and I do a backflip, landing in a handstand as the board lands back on the top if the wave. I contimue to scate over the top of the wave. I shift to a singel hand and blow a kiss to the crowd om the beach before jumping back onto my feet and headinf down the wave before racing back up and doing and 6 in a row belly roll. The beach is alive with cheers, the more tricks I do. When I'm done I glide back to the beach and jump of, my board flicking into my hand.
I shake the water from my hair and walk up into the wave if surfers and cameras. "Back away. I need my space." I snap viciously amd everyone quickly hurries away, allowing me to walk over to Kyle. I stick my board into the sand and look up at him. He looked shocked, angry and impressed.
"Did I kick your ass hard enough or should I keep competing?" I ask him with a triumphant smirk.
"I thimk your crazy for taking that wave on as a newbe. You could have been criticaly injured or killed even." He replies, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"But I'm impressed. Your a pretty good surfer." He admits and I smile slightly.

"In second place is Kyle Brandon." The commentator says and Kyle stomos unhappily but it makes we smile happily.
"The winner by far is Silvia Winchester." I walk forwards and take the trophy while smirking down at Kyle. He did not look happy.
"Any words to say to the cameras?" A sporrs reporter asks.
"Just that you can count on seeing me more often. I plan to surf worldwide and win. Watch out surf champs cause Silvia Winchester is coming for ya." I wink at the cameras with a smile.
This is my life.
I surf in comps around the world, winning all. But none gives me better pleasure than beating Kyle.
After a couple more winnings I got asked to be a part time surf girl model. I quickly became world known. Fans would ask for autographs in the streets and some days I get asked about my car. For that answer I just say it was a gift from a secret friend of mine.
A year of surfing went by when I got a call on my old home phone number. It was a mam askimg for Delance Fisher. He wamted her to be part of a top secret mission. I accepted but only agreed to doing it if I never had to meet in person.
Every so often I'd get called in.
i go on dive missions to spy on navy subs mostly. Sometimes on navy seal operations which lasts a couple days. The thing is the parts of the navy i spy on is top secret. Nobody should kniw it exists so how does my employer?
Who is he anyway? His voice was all muddled and edited. Probably so nobody could find out who he is.
This is my life now.
I surf, I model, I spy. What on earth could go wrong with this?

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