Hunter And Seal

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Silvia walked from the bathroom. Coraline, Maddison and Crystal followed. "You sure about this?" Coraline asked.
"I'm sure. Did you get my original files back?" She asks.
"Sure did. We saw that you aren't allergic to anything yet you told us you were allergic to reptiles." Maddison replies.
"I told you I was allergic to repltiles so you'd put it in. Then if they researched me they'd use it against me. But the freaky thing is reptiles don't think of me as a threat so they'd never attack. Reptiles are my strength not my weakness." Silvia explains and the girls nod.
"Coraline. I have a feeling Nathans getting a cold again." Jason calls as he walks around the corner, child in his arms.
He stops and his jaw drops in shock. "Oh my god. Your her?" He gasps and Silvia shrugs.
"Yup. I'm glad the colour came out. No offence Coraline but I love my black hair." Silvia says as she swishes her hair over her shoulder.
Coraline hurries over and takes her child. His nose was running and he sneezed an adorable little sneeze. "I'm sorry girls but I should go. Nathen is very prone to colds and they can get quite bad." She says as she sits the boy on her hip.
"It's fine. But please stay to see the guys reactions." Silvia pleads and Coraline chuckles.
"Wouldn't miss it." She says. Jason looks at the girls in shock before shaking his head and following them.
Silvia steps into the dining room and Kyle falls off his chair. He stares at her with wide eyes. "I don't believe it. Your photo use to appear in almost every newspaper. The last article was about how you went M.I.A and nobody could find you." Steve says in shock.
"Yup. That was me. Neither Crystal, Maddison or Coraline knew who I was till I told them. They didn't recognize me. Seems like I'm still a fan among the males." Silvia says.
"Well your mine. If someone tries to take you away then they will die." Kyle snaps as he gets to his feet and walls over.
Coraline and Jason laugh. "For the time I've known you Kyle I never would have guessed that you'd fall so deep for a girl." Coraline laughs and Kyle pulls Silvias body to him.
"You have no idea of how deep I've fallen." Kyle growls and Silvia nuzzles her face into his chest.
"We should go. The schools waiting." She says and Kyle pouts.
"Then can I finish what I started?" He whines and everyone snorts in amusement.
"If you still want to that is. You haven't seen me in this element before. You might change your mind." Silvia says as she pulls away and dials a number into her phone.
"Time for pickup." She says before hanging up.
"Come on. They'll be here soon." Silvia says and walks outside.
Kyle, Crystal, Ash, Maddison and Antonio hurry after her. The sound of a helicopter came closer and Silvia watched as it came into veiw. It was a large, black, army chopper. It landed on the lawn and Gunner steps out and walks over. "You guys ready to go?" He asks loudly over the noise of the chopper.
Everyone nods and follows him to the chopper, ducking down and climbimg into the helicopter. The pilot was a woman in army uniform. Everyone put on headsets and the chopper lifted into the air and flew off. "How much has changed?" Silvia asks.
"Not much. Theres a new dorm building and a few extensions. Ever since you disappeared there's been a sudden influxe of people." Gunner replies.
Silvia nods slowly and looks out at the ground that passed by. Up ahead was a large building with a huge surrounding area all circled by a tall fence. "Welcome to the military academy." Silvia smiles as she watches the building get closer.
When they land the 6 walk with Gunner into the building. As they pass people in uniforms Silvia gets more and more excited yet she kept a straight face. She gets startled looks and she knows they know who she is. "Your excited." Kyle whispers.
"Well duh. I haven't heen here in years." Silvia whispers back.
"Would you like to do the honours?" Gunner asks as he stops outside a set of double doors.
Silvua nods and walks over. Using both hands she swings the doors open and walks in with her head held high and back straight. "Attention." She calls strictly and everyone stands tall, still and straight.
Their eyes widen as she walks to the front. One person salutes and Silvia stops. It was a woman with strawberry blonde hair and dark eyes. "General." She says and everyone holds back a confused look.
"At ease. Gunner bring in the visitors." Silvia says and everyone obeys quickly.
Gunner marches in with the others behind him. He stops in front of Silvia and salutes. "General Delance Fisher." He says and everybody except the woman lets out a muffled gasp.
"Yes I'm alive. I've been hiding for around 7 years. The last 5 or so as Silvia Winchester, the world champion surfer. Now I'm coming back. I am collecting my inheritance. This academy is now mine. I got Gunner to have you all gather here because you're the best. You're also the only ones I can trust." Silvia says.
"I'm afraid I don't understand. You can trust everyone here and everyone who's trained here General." The woman says.
"Lieutenant Candy. Step forwards please." Silvia orders and the woman obeys quickly.
"I'm afraid your wrong. The people in this room are the only people I can trust and I need everyones help. Operation Alpha Seal B97 wants me dead." Silvia says calmly. The womans eyes widen.
"Sorry Candy. Your brother was one of them. He was blown up early this morning." Gunner says.
"Wait. Your Jeremys sister?" Kyle gasps.
"Yes I am. I know he went bad. He as well as the others attempted to murder you. You were never one to lie. It's good to see you again Crystal." Candy replies dryly. Crystal nods.
"What can we do to help?" Candy asks Silvia with a devilish grin and Silvia smirks before replying.
"We're gonna play our old favourite yet a lot larger scale and with the best weapons you've got Time to play Hunter and Seal."

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