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Silvia sat in the passenger seat of her car and Crystal drove. "You didn't mean to say what you did to Kyle before the surf comp did you?" She asks Silvia.
"No. I was just a little shaken. I got in the car to find a note on this seat. It was in arabic. In english it would mean 'You can't hide Delance Fisher. Or should we say Silvia Winchester.' I kept telling myself that it was impossible but I can't believe my own words. All I believe is that they killed Josh. They killed the man I loved. We planned to go back the year after to settle down, start a family. He was the only person I ever really trusted. I've never told anyone this but I have a mild case of Proditiophobia. It's only very mild but it's still there." Silvia says quietly.
"We really need to get you to the manor. You'll be safe there." Crystal says and presses the gas.
They fly down the road and soon arrive outside the manor. "Nice place." Silvia says as she steps from the car, blood seeping through her fingers.
Crystal lead her into a bathroom and locked the door. She grabs the first aid kits and sets Silvia in the bath. "You know around a year ago I was in this same position. However I had a lead bullet in my arm, it was my bullet shot from my gun about a metre away from me. I still have the scar." Crystal lifts up her sleeve to shot a scar, clearly made from a bullet.
"Why are you lying to me Crystal?" Silvia asks calmly.
"I'm not lying." Crystal replies equally as calm.
"You are so. I have an identicle scar from a lead bullet and it was pressed up to my side." Silvia hissed. She scratched at hef side and pulled off a layer of fake skin.
Crystal stared at it with wide eyes. "How did you get that?" She asks and Silvia chews her lip.
"I was held prisoner in Iraq." She sighs and Crystal drops everything.
"You were WHAT?!" She screeches and Silvia looks down.
"What's going on it there?" Kyle yells as he bangs on the door.
"If you don't back off it won't be them who kill you it will be me." Silvia snaps viciously. She pulls out a long spike and flings it at the door. It passes through and Kyle hisses in pain before walking off.
"Now are you going to wrap up my arm or not?" Silvia growls lowly and Crystal quickly gets to work while Silvia reapplies the fake skin.
As soon as she wraps it up she leaps to her feet. She yanks the spike from the door and rushes out into the hall. She storms towards the door and crashes into Kyle making her tumble to the ground. She howls in pain as her wrist twists and cracks painfully. "You ass hole watch where you're going." She moves and yelps as the spike jabs into her hip and she falls back to the ground.
"Is that fake skin?" Kyle asks in shock and Silvia looks to see the fake skin was beginnig to peel.
She sighs and rips it off, taking the other peices of fake skin with it, revealing all her scars. "Oh my god. Silvia are you okay?" Maddison gasps and rushes over.
"What the hell did you do Kyle?" She growls up at him, giving him the death glare.
"I was walking around the corner when she crashed into me and fell to the ground." He says innocently.
"Can someone just call an ambulance already. I've lost lots of blood as it is and now I'm bleeding out on the floor unable to move without punchering anything important." Silvia said weakly, blood pooling out from under her body.
"It's on it's way." Crystal says.
"Wow. Those are some serious scars." Antonio states as he walks around the corner and stares down at Silvia.
"Where and how did you get those?" Kyle asks.
"I can't tell you anything without my bosses permission." Silvia spat.
"What do you mean by boss? Do surfers have those?" Brett asks.
"No. They don't." Kyle says with narrowed eyes.
"What? You really think all I do is surf and do the occasional modeling job? Shows what you know." Silvia chuckles before hissing in pain as the pool of blood grew.
"We have to pull that spike out so we can put pressure on it. You'll bleed out before the ambulance gets here." Kyle says after a moment of awkward silence.
"And how do you suppose you do that? To do that I must somehow get my heart rate to slow so I won't bleed so much when you pull it out. That is an impossible task in itself. I'm wanted dead by two different groups. Both are very powerful. How do you expect to get my heart rate to slow?" Silvia yells angrily before shutting her mouth quickly.
"Close your eyes." Kyle says and Silvia sighs.
"If this doesn't work and I die I will haunt you for the rest of your life." She says before closing her eyes.
"Take deep breaths." Kyle sits down on the floor by her head yet away from the blood.
"Imagine your standing on the beach with your surf board. The sun slowly setting, sending vibrant pinks across the sky. A soft wind is blowing. The smell of the fresh sea air washing around you. You have bare feet the sand between your toes. The waves washing up and over them. The water cool and soothing. You listen to the gulls and the crash of the waves around you. It is nothing but peace." Kyle says softly.
As he speaks The guys gently lift Silvia. Maddison pulls the spike out and Crystal quickly stuffs a towel on it and holds it in place with a bandage. The whole time Silvia stays silent. She didn't twitch or flinch, only breathed deep, slow breaths.
When she was placed on a clean section of floor ontop of a towel her eyes shot open with a gasp. She jerks and lets out a scream before going limp. Everyone but Crystal leaped back in shock. "What the hell was that?" Steve yelps.
"Kyle must have trigger one of Silvias memories. A flashback from her past or something." Crystal replies.
"That doesn't explain the jerking or screaming." Steve says.
"What about her scars? Where did she get those?" Antonio asks.
"Who the hell wants her dead and why?" Kyle asks as he stands. Everyone looks at Crystal. Maddison walks over to her.
"You can tell us. What happened? I never saw those scars on her when she came to you Coraline and I." She says.
"It's highly classified. Her scars came from her job. Her job before she came to us. The one she was in when I met her." Crystal says with her head down.
"You said you met her in Turkey. What kind of job would mean she had to go to Turkey?" Maddison questions her friend with narrowed eyes.
"Her job didn't take place in Turkey. I've already told you too much. If anyone needs me I'll be at the track." Crystal says and hurries away.
"Crystal wait." Ash races after his wife leaving the others to look at Silvia in puzzlement. Her body limp on the floor. Kyle frowned as he looked at her scars.
He had similar ones. Each recieved from when he was in the navy and army by a weapon of some kind. Sirens wail as the ambulance pulls up. The officers rushing in with a streacher and other equipment. Silvias eyes open as she's lifted onto the streacher yet somehow Kyle knows she isn't seeing any of them. She's in a memory of some kind. A memory from the life he wants to find out.

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now