Not So Much A Nightmare

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Black clouds covered the sky. Lightning flashed and thunder roared yet the rain had stopped. Delances feet sploshed in the mud, her breath coming in raged gasps as she ran through the trees. "Get her. She can't get away." A man yells behind her. Delance stumbles and falls to the ground.
Quickly she stands and runs off again. She didn't know how much longer she could run for. The sound of motorcycles came closer and Delance began to panic. She looked around for a way out. A town up ahead. Narrow streets filled with people. It wasn't the best but it would do.
She raced out if the trees and into the streets. She heard people scream behind her yet she didn't stop. Someone grabbed her arm and in a swift movement she tugged him down and rolled over his back, flipping him over then running off. She's just turned 15 and is in a military family. She knows how to fight and has a knack for shooting and throwing things. She just can't seem to miss, not even once.
Delance slipped into a side alley and stopped, leaning over to catch her breath. "There she is." A man yells and she looks up quickly to see people with weapons shoving quickly through the crowd.
Delance looked back to see it was a dead end. She was trapped. "Nowhere to go now. Your trapped." A man snickers as they get to the entrance to the side alley.
She looks up to see a pole sticking out of the wall. She looks back at the people walking closer and smirks. "I don't think so. I thought you guys would have done your research on me. I'm a very talented gymnist." She says before leaping upwards and swinging onto the pole. She leaps up onto the roof just as they shoot, the bullets barely missed her.
She leaped from roof to roof, hoping to find a way to escape. Yet she couldn't see any. A sharp pain stabbed into her arm and she stops. She looks to see a dart in it. A wave of nausea came over her and she fell from the roof.

Silvia Winchester
I wake with a scream. My body drenched in a cold sweat. The nightmare repeating over and over making my body shake. But is it really a nightmare if that actually happened? I still remember the pain I felt when I hit the ground before I blacked out. It was a damn miricale I survived.
Kyle leaped into my room, flicking on my light. "Silvia?" He asks cautiously. I hold my arms out to him like a child wanting to be picked up as I hang my legs off the bed. Tears ran down my cheeks as my body continued to shake.
Kyle walked over and put his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He stands up straight and I bury my face into his neck with a sniff. I looked like a child clinging to their parent. "Shhh. It's alright. What happened?" He soothed as he stroked my hair. I shook my head.
"It's all too much. The guy says he wants to hire me but they're all trying to kill me. Then there's all the memories. Memories of the first group of people who wanted to kill me. They captured me when I was 15. Then I escaped at 16 and trained for the army yet I basically was already in. Both my parents were army and they'd take me to the base camp sometimes. They trained me. I met Josh when I had just escaped. My parents were blown up the following year." I whisper and Kyle rubs my back.
"I'm so sorry." He says and I hold onto him a little tighter.
"I'll never be able to sleep now." I sigh into his neck and I can sense Kyle smiling slightly.
"You could stay with me. You might be able to sleep then. I'll also be able to keep you close for if something goes wrong." He suggests and I stay silent as I think about it before nodding.
He turns and carries me out, turning the light off behind him. I nuzzle my face deeper into his neck as Kyle carries me to his room. "You know the others will find out about this." He says and I nod.
"So." I mumble.
Kyle closes a door and walks through his room. I unclasp my self from him and he puts me down. He yawns slightly and climbs into his bed. I hesitate for a second before climbing in after him. He lays the blankets over us and pulls me closer. I put my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him.
The sound of his heart breathing and the feel of his chest rising and falling with every breath calmed me more every second. "Go to sleep my little ocean. I'll stay right here with you." He murmurs and I sit up slightly. I kiss him softly before going back to my previous position.
"Thank you Sharky. I'm realizig more and more how much you mean to me. You can calm me down and can sooth me after something happens. You make me happy and feel whole. Your not what I expected you to be." I say quietly and Kyle chuckles.
"I'm glad to hear that Silvia. After all your now stuck with me and you can't do anything about it. I'm not going anywhere." He replies and I smile happily.
My eyelids begin to grow heavy and I let out a yawn. Kyle runs his fingers slowly through my hair and I snuggle closer to him. His body radiating a cozy warmth which filled me from head to toe. "Good night Kyle." I whisper.
"Yes. Good night Silvia." He replies quietly and I close my eyes.
The sound of his heart beat filled my mind as I slowly drifted off. As sleep enveloped me my last realization was I loved Kyle alot and needed him around. His words of warmth flowed through me, lulling me into a peaceful slumber.

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