You Just Have Bad Luck

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Silvia and Kyle get ready in silence barely looking at each other. "Here. It's a tracker so I know where you are at all times. It will seen out small sonic waves so I can also see whats around you." Silvia says as she pins a small device to the front of Kyles dive suit, refusing to look up at him.
"How long till we get to the sub?" He asks.
"Depends. Where is it?" Silvia asks as she walks over to a computer.
She presses a key and looks at her wrist. She frowns but shakes it away. "Almost and hour. Theres something else out there but I don't know what it is. My radar isn't showing a definate shape." Silvia says as she finally looks at Kyle who's staring back at her.
"Here's a mask. It filters water and turns it into oxygen so we won't need an oxygen tank. It also has a built in light and a communucator so we can talk to each other and see where the other is. When we get closer to the sub we'll have to turn the lights off." She says as she quickly looks away and walks to the door.
"Turn your light on now." Silvia says as she turns of the lights and opens the door. The water is no longer flat and larger swells are moving it along with a cold, strong breeze. Kyle feels thankful for the warm dive suit which sheilded him from the cold.
Silvia waits by the water until Kyle gets to her side then she dives in with Kyle just behind. They swim deeper before Silvia leads them through the water. "It's so dark down here." Kyle says with an unpleasant shiver.
"Well we are around 50 meters deep. Now stay close. I don't want to loose you in the ocean. Your mates would kill me." Silvia replies as she glances back. A flash of light in the darkness.
They continue to swim in silence. Silvia stops and grabs Kyles arm. "The sub is just agead. Turn off your light." She says and Kyle quickly does as he's told.
Up ahead was the soft glow of lights. Lights from the sub. "Something isn't right. Why would there be lights on a nucular sub?" Silvia asks as they slowly swim closer.
"I don't know." Kyle replies.
"Stay here. I'll plant a bug so we can listen and see what's in there while being elsewhere." Silvia says.
"Okay. But hurry. I don't like this. Being unable to see while around 50 meters deep in the ocean isn't the ideal place to hang around." Kyle replies.
He stays where he is as Silvia swims off. His eyes glued to the sub. Something moved over the subs lights before disappearing. Kyles body grew rigid as he strained his eyes, slowly turning in a circle yet the water around him was black. When he turned back to the sub he saw the top outline of a tail gliding infront of him as well as a pointed dorsal fin. "Silvia. Please tell me there isn't a shark circling me." Kyle says as he strains his eyes.
"Kyle don't panic okay. I'm coming back. There isn't a shark circling you." Silvia replies quickly.
"Theres 6. None of them small. Whatever you do. Don't make any sudden moves." Silvia continues amd Kyles head begins to feels light.
Something brushes against his back and his breathing goes raged. "Something just brushed against me. They're getting friendlier." He says frightfully. Fighting the urge to swim for it.
"Oh crap. They'll attack any second." Silvia yelps.
"Wait. They're leaving quickly." She says and Kyle sighs in relief.
Suddenly he sees the outline of the submarine and it's heading straight for him. "SWIM!" Silvia yells and Kyle swims upwards. His feet skimming the top of the submarine. He breaks the surface and turns on his light.
"Silvia where are you?" He yells.
"The locator is broken. The submarine has messed up all the signals. I can't find you." She replies frightfully.
"I'm on the surface with my light on." Kyle says.
"So am I. Where are you?" Silvia replies, fear thickly lacing her voice.
"Slowly turn and look around. I'll do the same. We might be able to see each others lights." Kyle suggests.
"It'll be near impossible with these waves but it's better than nothing." She replies and Kyle can hear the shake on her voice.
He slowly turns in a circle. Scanning the water in front of him. Then he sees it. A flash of light as a wave lifts him up. "Silvia. I see you." He calls.
"Kyle!!!" Silvia yells. This time he doesn't hear it through the mask. Her voice traveling through the wind.
"Kyle where are you?!" She screams. Kyle swims as hard and fast as he could towards her.
"Silvia! I'm over here!" He yells in reply and he sees Silvia turn to face him. He swims faster and knows she's swimming towards him too.
When she reaches him she wraps her arms around hus neck. "My communication crashed. I thought I'd never find you." She cries and Kyle wraps an arm around her.
"It's all right. Let's get back to the Float. I can just see it in the distance." He sooths and Silvia nods. Kyle grabs Silvias hand and she clings to it tightly.
They swim against the waves towards the outline of the Float. Their muscles growing tired the more they try. "We're almost there." Kyle huffs and Silvia nods beside him.
He reaches the Float first. Grabbing onto the side and hauling Silvia up onto it before climbing shakily up onto it himself. They stumble inside and lock the door, turning on the lights and Silvia chucks Kyle a warm towel. "We can rest here for a bit before heading back. But don't worry. You don't have to hold your breath this time. The jetskis are waiting outsude on the other side of the Float." She says as she removes the extra dive gear and undoing the top of her dive suit.
Kyle pants slightly, trying to get his breath back as he watched her. She wore a red bikini top with a neck strap, his eyes narrowed at the sight of her arm. It was heavily bruised. Silvia saw him staring and wrapped a towel around her.
"You should do the same." She said as she sat on the floor her arms wrapped around her legs and her chin on her knees, her whole body shaking and her lips beginning to go blue.
Kyle dies as she did, undoing the top of his dive suit and wrapping the towel around him. He walked over and sat next to Silvia, wrapping her up between him abd the towel. She rested her head on his chest with a sigh. "I couldn't stand to lose another person who goes on a mission with me. They all seem to die one way or another. I'm just a big death magnet." She whispers. Kyle puts his chin on the top if her head.
"Nah. You just have bad luck and many bad people after you. It's not your fault. Now lets get back so you can get into some warm clothes." He replies as he helps her to her feet.
She smiles slightly at him before doing her dive suit back up, Kyle following suit. They walk out, turning off the lights and climbing onto the jetskies. Together they race over the waves back to the docks.

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now