Sharks Under the Surface

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Silvia sat hugging her knees on her bed while stareing at the wall. "That must be a very interesting wall." Someone states fron the door. Silvia spins around quickly to see Kyle leaning on the door frame.
"It's just you." She grumbles before going back to staring at the wall.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Kyle asks as he walks in and stands between Silvia and the wall. She groans and flops back onto her bed.
"Don't take it meanly or anything. It's just I have a knife with me and if it wasn't you I would have thrown it." She replies simply and Kyle shrugs.
"Good reason. So I'm heading out for the night. Don't leave this building. I can't have you getting killed." He says and Silvia looks at him properly. He wore warm clothes and a navy blue bag was over his shoulder.
"It sounds as though you care about me." Silvia teases.
"In a way I do. Like I cared about Crystal and Maddison when they were in danger of being killed by ex-army, air force and navy. Also I need you alive so I can beat you in a surfing competition." Kyle replies with a smile and Silvia laughs as she sits up.
"Thats never gonna happen Kyle. Now go do whatever it is your going to do. I'll be fine. As you said. I'm safe here." She says.
Kyle nods and walks from the room, closing the door behind him. Silvia waited for a few seconds before leaping over to her wardrobe. She pulls out an already packed bag and flings on a black hoodie. Silvia grabs a couple knives and carefully puts them in her pockets.
She listened till she heard the sound of a car pulling out of the drive before she turned off the light and climbed out the window. She climbs carefully down the fire escape befire sprinting out the gates and down the road. She skids into an alley and runs over to a black tarp.
She rips it off to reveal a black motorbike. She puts on the helmet and climbs on. Getting ready she starts the engine and flies out onto the street. She glides around corners and dodges the odd car. Her phone rings and she looks at it. It was her boss. She taps the side of her helmet. "Hello boss. I'm on my way to the docks now." She says.
"That's good. The person your meeting is heading there now." He replies. Silvia hangs up and glides around the corner and into an alley. Climbing off she removes her helmet and puts on her hood. She covers the bike and runs to the iron link fence. She scales it easily and jumps down on the other side, landing lightly.
The docks smelt if fish and oil but it was over powered by the salty sea air. Silvia looks around slowly. She spotted the odd person hiding in the window with a gun following her every move. She salutes to them before jumping into the shadows. The gates of the dock were opening. A car drives in and the gates close. The gates never open. Never.
Silvia watches the car closely and she knows the guys with guns are too. A male figure steps out and walks down the docks. She follows him closely, making sure to step quietly and stay unseen. When the make stops abd turns his head Silvia holds in a gasp. The dull dock lights illuminated the familiar face of Kyle.

Silvia Winchester
I narrow my eyes and pull out my knife before slowly walking around him. Kyle notices and his body stiffens as he watches me slowly getting closer. He holds his hands up by his head and slowly backs away yet he's trapped when he comes to a pile of crates. I stop and put away the knife before whipping off my hood and crossing my arms over my chest. Kyle gasps in shock.
"What are you doing here Kyle?" I hissed.
"I can ask you the same question." He replied coldly, his eyes blazing in the dark.
"Well I asked you first." My voice even yet agitated.
"I own this dock Silvia. Your trespassing." Kyle growled. "You should be back at the manor where your safe." He added, his tone softened slightly but his glare stayed.
"I'm safer here than you are. This is where I work and my mates have guns pointed at your back. Now if you'll excuse me I have a dive mission to lead." I growl viciously and he stiffened.
"You shouldn't be doing this Delance. All these Navy are sharks under the surface." He said in a whisper and I blinked in surprise.
"You hired me. How would you know about this Navy group anyway? The seals I've been watching are a top secret group nobody knows about." I questioned and he sighed.
"Because I was their leader once. I was the best Navy seal there ever was. I left because they attacked me like the sharks they are. I want my revenge. I'm one of them. A shark under the surface."
My jaw drops and I take a step back. "Well that explains alot. You're the person who's suppose to be doing the dive mission with ne aren't you?" I ask.
"Well yes. I wanted to see who Delance Fisher was. Now it seems it's just your randomly made up code name." Kyle snorts and I let out a sigh.
I hold up my hand with my pinkie up before lowering it and sitting down onto a crate. "Kyle sit. They know not to shoot you." I say as I rest my head in my hands.
"Delance Fisher isn't my code name." I say as I slowly look up at Kyle.
"What do you mean?" He asks, leaning forwards slightly on the crate.
"Delance Fisher is my real name. Maddison, Coraline and Crystal helped me set up the life I have now. The life of Silvia Winchester. I use to be in a highly classified army group. I was their leader. Josh who was The Radar was my boyfriend. He was killed on a mission by an Isis group. They killed him with a bazooca. Now I want revenge. Are you gonna stop me from that or will you come on this dive mission with me?" I say and Kyle looks at me in pure shock.
"Fine. I'll come. Someone has to watch your back." He says with a sigh.
"Thank you. Now don't tell anyone I told you this please." I plead and Kyle stands and crouches in front of me.
"My lips are sealed."

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now