Bonus chapter-2

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Anjali was taking rounds for her indoor patients when her phone vibrated. Seeing the call was from the kids school she wondered why were they calling her now. Karan dropped the kids just two hours back to their school. Intrigued she picked up the phone "Hello Dr. Anjali Oberoi speaking" The lady from the other line said "Hello Dr. Oberoi. I am calling from Apple Eye International School. I am sorry to inform you that your son Aarav Oberoi has gotten himself into a fight and the principal has requested you to come ASAP to our school and apologize to the other boy's parents as Aarav had punched him in the eye"

She froze hearing this. No doubt Aarav was very mischievous but still getting into a fight and punching other kids is not done. He often fought with Kiara but they had never got into hand fight anytime. Karan has spoiled the kids very much by letting them do as per their wish and buying them everything without even asking. She needs to have a word with him soon regarding this.

"Hello mam, are you coming?" The lady asked from other side. Anjali took a deep breath to calm her nerves and replied "Yes I am coming in half an hour. Please ask the other kid's parents to wait for me so I could apologize to them and even I can give treatment to that child as I am a pediatrician" Saying this she hurriedly checked her last two patients and dashed towards her car to reach the school.

Aarav was sitting in the principal's cabin in the corner seat hanging his head low when Anjali entered principal's cabin. She took a quick look at Aarav and the other boy and then greeted the principal "Hello mam, I am Anjali Oberoi, Aarav's mother. What happened?" Principal greeted her back and said "Mrs. Oberoi Aarav punched his fellow student this morning in their break time. We do not allow such violence in our school. When asked the reason, he is just not replying. Please explain him that what he did is not acceptable and won't be tolerated again in the future and also ask him to apologize to this kid and his parents" she said pointing towards the kid and his parents sitting opposite to her with an angry scwol.

She moved near Aarav and kneeled down next to him and lifted his chin by her finger so that she could look into his eyes and question him. "Why did you hit your classmate Aarav? I know you are a good boy who doesn't fight unnecessarily with other kids so tell mommy the reason behind it honey" she asked him softly. Aarav glared at the other boy and complained to his mother "Mommy he was trying to hug Kiara and daddy told me not to allow any boy to come near her. I told him to stay away but he didn't listen me" Anjali gasped hearing him. Ohh how can Karan teach such things to their son. He too was just a child like Kiara for godsake! Karan is so dead today she thought angrily.

The other boy's mother angrily told Anjali after listening Aarav's asscusation "Mrs. Oberoi is this what you teach your kids at home? My boy even doesn't know the meaning of hug. He just wanted to befriend your daughter and your son hits him. I will not tolerate this behavior of his" She faced the principal and demanded to take strict action against Aarav. Anjali immediately went near her and apologized "Mam look I know my son is totally wrong in this. He should not have punched your son but please forgive him. He too is a small kid like your son. His father just asked him to look after his sister so she doesn't have any difficulty but he just misunderstood him. He thought that your son was troubling his sister and so he acted impulsively. I am sorry on his behalf" Then she faced principal and said "Mam please don't take any strict actions against my son this time. I promise he won't do such thing again anytime in future"

Saying this she turned towards Aarav and asked him "Aarav say sorry to principal Mam and also say sorry to your classmate" Aarav shook his head negatively because he thought what he did is not wrong as his daddy would never teach him anything wrong. Anjali glared angrily at him and silently asked him through her eyes to obey her order and apologize. He reluctantly said sorry to his principal and his classmate.

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