Chapter 3- Dreams •

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I know I'm late, but this week has been the worst. So many tests and more coming up next week, it's just ughhh.

Anyways this chapter will only talk about what 35H-GQ's dreaming while being unconscious.

Enjoy ; )


35H-GQ couldn't breathe. She felt like she was suffocating. She looked up, but she couldn't see anything. Suddenly, she felt excruciating pain in her arm. She tried to scream but her voice wouldn't come out. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't see.

'H-help', she thought, praying anyone would come to her rescue.

Suddenly, a hand surrounded by a white glow appeared. She tried to reach out for it, but she was frozen in place.

'Don't go!' she tried to scream, but again her voice failed her. She couldn't breathe. Then the scene changed.

"Again!" A cruel, merciless voice said

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"Again!" A cruel, merciless voice said.

A 9 year old girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and raised a trembling hand. The girl had shoulder lengthen brown hair and honey colored eyes. Honey colored eyes that spoke of pain, suffering, abuse, and, perhaps most notably, sheer determination. She was small for her age, but the dead, haunted look in her eyes could give a grown man nightmares. She was obviously very exhausted, barley able to stand, and yet there was no sign of giving up in her movements. She started to fight with a huge man-who was about 3 times her size-called Zul Trevil. They traded a few punches and kicks but eventually Trevil knocked her to the ground. Same as always.

35H-GQ's body shook from the effort of trying to sit up. Her hands trembled from the cold, and the continuous growling from her stomach and her sunken checks made it obvious that she was in dire need of food. The determination in her eyes never wavered, though. Even if she couldn't win, she would still put up a fight. Or, she thought. As she looked up, and saw Zul's huge body, the light in her eyes dimmed a bit. Her arms finally gave away as she collapsed on the floor.

"Again, 35H-GQ!" The man-who had been saying again for quite a while now-said calmly, though the anger was visible in his merciless, cold eyes. "You've been growing weak. Mischa will be angry, and you know what happens when he is displeased."

35H-GQ swallowed a lump that suddenly formed in her throat. She got up with newly found energy and they fought again. The result was the same as ever. She got knocked down yet again. Her body was screaming in pain as she fought. Her hands were trembling in exhaustion, and her feet begged her to sit. But she fought on. When she fell for the 7th time-that hour-her mind went blank. It just shut down. She couldn't take it anymore. Her arms were aching and her legs felt like a newly born chick's. She was struggling to breathe as her lungs burned. She took large gulps of air as she tried to stand up one more time. Her throat was so, so sore. She needed water. She gathered all her courage, and finally looked that, cruel, cruel man in the eyes. It was now or never.

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