Chapter 6- The Other Side of Comfort ⚠️

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Ok so first of all WARNING ⚠️!!!This chapter has some pretty bad scenes. You can skip it if you want...


February 13, 2016

It's been exactly 4 months since 35H-GQ found the alien power source and to say her life drastically improved was an understatement. After discovering the power source, she went right to work. She took some broken parts from machines in the junkyards and started working on some devices. She made toys for kids and a lot of other stuff with the foreign power she had. She also fixed all kinds of things. She fixed broken blenders, iPhones, washing machines etc.

When she had enough money, she was able to rent a small booth next to a barber shop. The booth was much better than her old room; it had a room she could sleep in and another room she could bath in, which was really new to her. Besides the front counter, those were the only rooms she had. The owner of the building only cared if he got his money at the end of each month which was not a problem for 35H-GQ.

In short, it was heaven. After opening her booth, people started to come from everywhere. She was getting famous as the best and youngest mechanic in the market. She started fixing everything people gave her. It was almost as if it was in her genes to build and fix things. It was just something she enjoyed.

Of course, she brought new clothes and was finally done with stealing. It was a bad habit and she knew it, but now she had enough money for the things she needed. She was able to eat good food which helped her build a healthier body. She brought a new pair of boots which weren't torn or old.

She had turned a new page in life. She was feeling rather proud of her business. Maybe in the future she could build a bigger business and have one like Tony Stark's. And maybe with the right equipment, she would be able to make an iron suit.

She would day dream about those things all the time, but she knew they would never become reality. She had to keep a low profile, now that Nick Fury knew about her. She never wanted to draw attention so she never did anything to make her business stand out more. She just carried on fixing and building stuff.

She even made a protective case for the alien power source and called it Gypsy for laughs. On the case she made a device which would check her pulse, so that if it increases-or decreases- suddenly, an alarm would go off. She made the device out of fear of one day waking up the same way she woke up the night she escaped HYDRA. She was afraid of the suffocated feeling she got that night, so she made a device that would keep track of her panic attacks.

Sometimes 3 creepy men would come to her booth. They heard about 35H-GQ's talent and her use of unfamiliar power sources which were more powerful than any of the others. They wanted her to make weapons for a price that would get her everything she ever wanted. Of course she refused every time they came, but sometime they threatened to do much more than just killing her, but she never broke.

Then there was the leader of the gang: Rider, aka the largest pain in the ass 35H-GQ had ever met. 'Rider' was most likely a fake name meant for dirty uses; 35H-GQ had to applaud him for having enough brains to use it. The other 2 were Max and Alex. Both gave 35H-GQ shivers, but Max always had a look of lust in his eyes which made her want to use her powers on him. She tried really hard to keep her anger at bay, but sometimes it would just seep out.

The cat she saw the other day-now officially 'Chills'-would occasionally come around. She would feed him and take care of him every time he came around. Whenever she looked into its eyes, she would remember Winter, and that only gave her chills so that's where the name came from.

It was on the evening of February 13 that trouble came and changed 35H-GQ's life forever. She was in her booth, fixing a couple of things for a customer when Rider and his gang entered. Rider had a smirk on his smug face and Alex had a bag on his shoulder. 35H-GQ stopped what she was doing and looked up at them with a sharp glare. Max looked at her the same way he always did, which only made her glare at him harder.

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