Chapter 11- Iconic

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Ok so first shout out to dee_please . It's her birthday today I just wish her a great day.

Anyways this chapter isn't as long but enjoy :D


"What now?" 35H-GQ asked as she stood in the middle of a white hospital-like room.

"You wait here while I call a nurse." Tony said and went to call someone.

35H-GQ walked and took a seat. She nibbled on her bottom lip and started fidgeting with her fingers. She had no idea what they would come across in the tests, but she knew it can't be anything good. The only thing she could do now was hope they don't find out something that could potentially ruin her. She looked up and noticed that the Avengers looked a bit disturbed.

After a few minutes Tony walked in with a mid-aged woman wearing a lab coat. She greeted the Avengers and introduced herself as Mrs. Kane. She then grabbed a chair and sat down next to 35H-GQ.

"Hello, honey. Can you please lift your arm up a little?" Mrs. Kane asked and proceeded to wrap a rubber rope on 35H-GQ's arm.

35H-GQ frowned when she said 'honey'. Why would she say that? She doesn't know her. She dismissed it for now and did what the nurse told her to do. Mrs. Kane held a needle and inserted it into 35H-GQ's skin.
Of course the needle did nothing but prick at 35H-GQ's skin. She didn't even feel pain; that's how little it affected her. After a few seconds, Mrs. Kane frowned. Not a drop of blood came out. Mrs. Kane pressed 35H-GQ's arm a little harder and managed to force out a few droplets. What came out wasn't normal blood though; no, it was thick and dark-almost purple. 

"Strange..." Mrs. Kane mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked from beside the door.

"It's her blood. It's extremely thick; this doesn't happen often to children. It tends to happen because of dehydration and going a number of days without food." The nurse explained then looked up at 35H-GQ. "Have you eaten anything in the past 2 to 3 days?"

"Uh... I was in a coma for the first day so not really..." 35H-GQ said remembering the horrible few days she's been having. "But before that I.... I actually didn't eat a lot."

"Ok, I think this much blood will be enough for the tests, but please honey get your meals back in order." Mrs. Kane said with concern and got up to leave the room.

35H-GQ sat awkwardly as everyone watched her. She looked up with a smile and said.

"How long is this gonna take?" She asked.

"About an hour." Tony said and walked over to her. "Now come on, kid. You heard what the nurse said. You need to eat something."

"I'm not that hungry." She lied and tried to wave him off, but unfortunately her stomach betrayed her by unleashing a loud growl.

"That sounds like hungry to me." Tony said and pulled 35H-GQ to her feet. "Come on, I make the best pancakes in town."

"Pancakes?" 35H-GQ frowned at the unfamiliar term. Tony looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She quickly changed her expression and looked up at him. "Oh yeah...pancakes, I really like those."

Tony, 35H-GQ, and the rest of the Avengers returned to the debate room. Tony made pancakes for 35H-GQ and she ate the sticky breakfast in delight. After she ate, she went and sat down next to Vision while Tony and Steve started arguing about the Accords.

"When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands....I shut it down, stopped manufacturing." Tony told Steve.

"Tony, you chose to do that." Steve argued back. "If we sign this we surrender our right to choose-"

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