Chapter 5- Hospitals, Nickels, and Hills

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November 14, 2015

35H-GQ's eyes snapped open, but she quickly closed them again from the bright lights.

'Wait, bright lights? W-where am I?'

Slowly, she opened her eyes again and took in her surroundings. The first thing that caught her eyes was the white and clean ceiling.

'Okay', she thought 'Definitely not my room'.

She sat up straight, acutely aware of the pain in her back and observed the place. She was in a room with 4 white wall and no windows; 'A cell', she realized with a jolt. She looked to her right and saw wires connecting her arm to a machine. She quickly and carefully took the needles from her arms and checked her body. She frowned when she saw what she was wearing. It was a really light gown that made her thin arms and legs show. Dismissing it for now, she got up and tried to open the door but it was locked. Typical. Her pulse quickened as she looked around. She had no idea where she was.

As she was observing her room, the door slid open. A woman with a black suit and a tolerant expression walked in. The woman was fairly tall and had a muscular body with brown hair tied properly in a bun and sharp blue eyes that felt like they could see through you. 35H-GQ looked up at her with a glare.

"Who are you?" 35H-GQ asked rather rudely.

"Maria Hill. And you are?" The woman said with a glare of her own.

Suddenly SHIELD flashed through 35H-GQ's mind. She knew this woman. She was one of the top agents who worked at SHIELD. 35H-GQ only glared at the woman harder after remembering that bit of information.

"Not someone you need to know." 35H-GQ said. "Where am I and why am I here?"

"Well, why don't you take a seat so I can tell you everything?" Maria said.

With a sneer, 35H-GQ sat on her bed and Maria sat on the chair beside it. Maria took out a tablet and looked at 35H-GQ with piercing eyes and said.

"You're currently in Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan." Maria started reading from the tablet. "You were taken to the police station after a failed robbery attempt. They call you the Snatcher on the streets because you have been doing this for almost 3 years now. The man who brought you in said that you tried to steal a few medical items, and then passed out when he caught you. The doctors who treated you say that you have a few bruises and scars on your body. Can you explain to me why that is?"

"Oh stop it! I know you want to know something-not that I'll tell you anything, so you should just let me go." 35H-GQ said with a glare. She knew that they found out that she wasn't normal from her blood. She knew they wanted to know what she was. And she damn well wasn't gonna tell them anything about it.

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