Chapter 34- I Want...

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It's been a year since I posted the first chapter of this book... 😊


April 3, 2016

Robin shivered slightly

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Robin shivered long has it been? She didn't know for certain, but according to her calculations, it should be a month, give or take a couple of days. Ross hadn't been kidding- he moved her to a more secure place after almost 3 days on the raft.

Robin was kept in a small metallic cell, only leaving when absolutely necessary. There was a toilet next to her hard, uncomfortable 'bed' and simple 'meals'- if the small loafs of bread and the cup of water could even be called that- were pushed through a small hole in the wall. She smiled bitterly- it was barely enough to keep her alive.

Ross also arranged a team of agents to run tests and experiments on Robin- way too harsh, too cruel for a mere 14 year old. Most of the experiments consisted of injecting her with chemicals and raising the temperature to see how the new substances will react with heat.

Sadly, that was not all- Robin not only had the bracelets that locked her power, but now also had a huge electric shocker on her neck. Early on, Ross ordered someone to cut her hair, trying to create a new identity for her and leaving her hair really uneven. He even gave her a new test name '9C', but she never really cared- that was the one thing they couldn't change. She was test subject 35H-GQ, daughter of Tony Stark- she was Robin Stark. She finally had an identity, and no one could steal that from her.

In only a week, they had almost completely broken her- Robin slowly lost her sarcasm and closed up entirely. They started shocking her with electricity every time she talked back or cursed at them. Sometimes they just shocked her for fun- those malicious, sadistic, sick fuckers- which made her want to crush their windpipes.

It was also around then that Robin started having weird dreams- almost like memories- most of which invovled Loki, the god of mischief, in one way or the other. But that didn't make any sense- Loki was a frost giant from another realm, Robin was a human girl with messed up powers. Why would she be dreaming of him? She just chucked it up to the weird tests- she knew from experience that the tests can mess your brain up.

A week later, Robin started having hallucinations- or, well, at least she thought they were hallucinations. She wasn't all that stable, after all. Weirdly enough, the hallucinations were of Loki- whom she'd only ever seen once. Must be getting really desperate. Soon enough, she found herself taking to Loki about anything and everything. Surprisingly, Loki would reply and ask her questions of his own. It was almost comforting in a way- sad, really, that her hallucinations were of Loki, but, well, beggars aren't choosers.

A few days into the third week, Ross found out she was talking to 'Loki' and ordered that she should get shocked if she did it again. They hadn't completely snuffed out her spirit, though- she was still a bit mischievous. She starting signing to Loki- fortunately, Ross didn't notice it, and Robin was left alone.

By the time the forth week rolled in, Robin grew weak and exhausted. She started losing hope of anyone finding her and slowly but surely, lost herself. With no one except her hallucinations to talk to, her sanity starting to slip away.

And when she'd finally lost hope that she was gonna be rescued, when she'd given up and started accepting her new life- she was nothing but a lab rat, after all, she shouldn't have expected this time to be any different- it happened. The very thing she would've killed for a couple of weeks before, the thing that had become nothing more than a pleasant dream- and the thing that she no longer desired.

It was a normal day- well, she could only guess that; she wasn't allowed outside anymore. An alarm went off, shaking the walls- that was the only reason she was able to know. She kinda missed her hearing aids.

In her month of captivity, Robin had come to fear the sound of the door opening, so it was no surprise that she backed herself to the wall when the door opened.

A blond man with concerned blue eyes stared at her pitifully. He slowly scanned the room, spotting the tiny bundle in the corner. He almost gasped in shock. Sure, he expected to see a tired, possibly depressed Robin, but nothing could've prepared him for what he saw: hollow, sunken cheeks, dead eyes, bruises all over- the girl looked like a skeleton. Her lips were chapped, and she looked severely malnourished- he couldn't even bear to think of her mental state. He carefully walked in, but Robin fearfully backed into the wall. With nowhere to go, she just kept pushing her feet on the floor, desperate for the wall to just swallow her.

"Hey,'s ok.." Steve said in his softest voice. "It's me... Steve. No one's gonna hurt you, I promise..."

Robin frowned, realizing that it was really Steve, not some kind of hallucination. But she didn't- couldn't trust him. Not after everything that was done to her.

She couldn't distinguish between enemies and allies anymore- after so long, after all she'd been through, Robin had finally shattered. So she did the only thing she knew; she held her hands up to protect herself if he decided to hit her. Steve sighed sadly, knowing weeks of testing and abuse never left a person as trusting as they once were- as whole as they once were, though he wasn't entirely sure the poor girl was ever really whole. His heart broke for her- this broken, battered girl couldn't be the same cheerful, sarcastic Robin he'd come to know and love.

 His heart broke for her- this broken, battered girl couldn't be the same cheerful, sarcastic Robin he'd come to know and love

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"Do you want Bucky..?" Steve asked. As much as it hurt, he knew he wasn't the one she needed right now. " or Tony..? Come on Robin, we gotta get out of here."

A moment passed and Robin slowly, in a very hoarse whisper, muttered a single sentence that left Steve stunned for a while........


"I want Loki."



Oh my god!!! Can't believe I finally finished this book!!! It's been a fucking year since the first chapter!! Can u believe it!

I'm sooooo thankful to everyone of you. I wouldn't have continued without all the love and support you've been showing me!! It's been such a good ride... and I can't believe it has to come to an end.😜😝🤪

I know I wrote end of book 1 as there are a lot of ideas for other books, but tbh that's gonna take a while. This year is just really stressful from school work, to SATs, and to a program I have to sign up in. It's just I really want to continue, but I'm still unsure.

Btw if i later update anything in this book, it'll probably be mistakes or drawings I want to put up.... but that's it.....

can't believe I'm saying one last time... or maybe, you'll never know... ¯\_()_/¯

Love, Zendaya's wife ❤️

November 10, 2019

Word Count: 1055




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