Chapter 27- Airport Battle 2/2

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Woah, 2 chapters in a day... this must be the afterlife


"Is- Is that real, Mr. Stark?" The Spider-Man asked as he swung closer to the hulk.

"Nope, Robin can make illusions." Tony said as he flew around the illusion, inspecting it closely. "But she can also make them real.. I guess. Anyways go get her. We need her distracted..."

"Mr. Stark.... is it true?" Spider-Man nervously asked." That she's your-"

"Yeah, she's my kid, Pete." Tony said and shot a couple of beams at Wanda. "But it's not the time to chit-chat . Now go get her- ugh, you know what? Rhodes!"

"Yes?" Rhodes said almost immediately

"Distract Robin!" He yelled before going back into battle


After just a few moments of holding the illusion, Robin was already gasping for air. Her skin had turned a violent red and her eyes shone vivid blue. Her cramps weren't as bad as before, thank God, but they still hurt like a bitch. Her leg was still giving her serious pain, but nothing she couldn't handle. Her nose was flooding with blood and wiping it didn't work, like, at all- it was overflowing with so much blood, she was worried she may need a transfusion. And this illusion thing was giving her a killer headache. After this whole thing blows up, she's gonna need some ice- oh, who was she kidding, if she got out of this alive she's gonna need a blizzard. She idly wondered how hard it would be to move to Antarctica before a particularly loud explosion snapped her out of her thoughts. Right. Fight. She shook her head. She really needed to stop spacing out.

She tried to push through and keep fighting, but every time she so much as tripped, her vision would go black. She could feel her consciousness slowly slipping- man, that illusion really did a number on her, didn't it? But what choice did she have? She couldn't let them win. Right? That thought was getting less and less horrifying every time she got hit.

And the fact that War Machine seemed to be targeting her- she figured he was; he hadn't left her alone since she made the illusion- was making everything ten times worse. Her heart beat a lot faster as missile after missile exploded next to her.

She was sure that her head pounding faster than her heart couldn't be healthy, but her stubbornness prevented her from stopping. Everyone already thought she was a kid. What would they think if she started whining in the middle of battle? No, she couldn't let that happen. She couldn't-! She blinked suddenly, realizing that she'd fallen. So much for being strong.

Shaking her head, Robin pushed herself to her feet and went back into battle. The second she got in, one of the missiles got way to close and threw her away. She fell on the ground. Hard. Red started flooding her vision as she realized she'd gotten a huge gash on her head.

The hulk had already disappeared when she fell because she lost her concentration- or maybe it was because she was feeling lightheaded; she had lost way too much blood. And that's not even counting the blood she was losing because of her stupid period. She growled in pain and frustration as her vision turned blurrier by the second. She tried to get her vision to clear up, but the more she tried the worse it got until she could barely see anything.

She felt panic rising in her chest as something heavy dropped beside her. She looked over, trying to identify it, but her vision just wouldn't clear up. Her breathing came in short puffs as tears prickled her eyes. She didn't just see with her eyes- she heard with her eyes, too. What even would she do without her eyesight? She knew she was overreacting- well, not really, it was quite troubling-, but she just couldn't get her breathing back to normal. Which made her panic even more. Fucking perfect.

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