Chapter 19- Chasing a Fugitive

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It's been a month since my last update....ha ha ha.... sorry guys... 😅

Anyways enjoy ;)

Ramadan Kareem 🌙⭐️🖤


The Avengers knew a lot more about 35H-GQ than most people did.

They knew that she was once held at HYDRA.

They knew that the powers she 'owns' weren't just given to her; no, they were forced on her.

They knew that she had been at HYDRA for a really long time.

But the things they knew about her weren't half as much as things they were kept in the dark about, and one of those things was the fact that she had the entire Avengers Facility building fully memorized. She knew every room, every exit, and every hallway.

It'd been about 20 minutes since Steve and Sam went to get ready. Tony and Rhodes had to leave to get to a meeting somewhere and 35H-GQ was left to be babysat by Vision and Wanda.

As the minutes passed, she formulated a plan- granted, it wasn't the best, but it was a good start. She mentally went through it as Wanda and Vision watched the TV from beside her. She estimated about 15 minutes for Steve and Sam to 'suit up' and another 10 minutes for the jet to get ready to take off. She internally smirked as she turned to Vision and put her next step into action.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked realizing it was time to move.

"Take a right, then 2 lefts down that way." Vision said and pointed at a door.

"Ok thanks-" she said starting to get up.

"Wait! Here take this." Wanda said and pulled a hair band from her wrist. "It'll help you get your hair out of the way."

"Uhh...thank you." 35H-GQ said, taking the hairband and walking out of the room.

She walked until she saw the cross way, but instead of taking right, she stepped left, making her way to the jet platform. She tied her hair in a messy ponytail and continued to walk. As she walked, she tried out her new powers. She concentrated and imagined herself fading from view. She looked down at her hands and excitement coursed through her whole being. It was working!- Well, not entirely, but it was still working. She was kind of glitching and flickering, but it's still a lot of improvement.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over her. She stopped walking and held her head in pain. God! Why now?! Now of all times, she's getting a headache! Soon enough, her head stopped buzzing but now her whole body felt weaker. She felt liquid flowing down her nose and when she wiped it away, she noticed it was blood. She sighed, realizing that the headache and the nosebleed were both caused by the illusion she tried to create.

'I can't have one fucking power without some kind of setback' she thought angrily and continued to walk down the hall. 'wHy??'

As she walked, she tried to avoid people as much as possible, which was easy because there weren't a lot to start with. She walked into the jet platform and spotted Steve and Sam sitting in one of the jets, getting ready to take off. She quietly snuck into it and tried again to control her illusion. She was successful, but her mind started buzzing again. She growled softly and shook her head trying to get rid of the ever growing headache. She was backed up in a corner with her illusion locked in place.

 She was backed up in a corner with her illusion locked in place

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