Chapter 26- Airport Battle 1/2

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Hey... I'm back from the dead


February 19, 2016

Fidgeting with her fingers, Robin nervously kept trying to keep her attention off her team and on an airport window. As Bucky and her waited for the cap's signal, Sam looked for the quinjet- the team was getting into position, save for Steve and Tony who were having a rather heated conversation.

Suddenly, Tony yelled out something Robin couldn't quite catch, and a red and blue man jumped up and stole Cap's shield. Robin furrowed her eyebrow and stared at the newbie.

"Hey, who's the new guy?" She asked Bucky.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Bucky whispered back with a frown mirroring her own.

"Quinjet's in hanger five, North runway." Sam said into the earpiece.

Robin watched as Clint shot an arrow straight at Steve's webbed wrists and then all hell broke lose. When Rhodes used his heat finder, Bucky, Sam and Robin were
already running away.

"Got three in the terminal." Rhodes said and flew up. "Wilson and Barnes...and the kid...?"

"You brought her here?!?" Tony exclaimed at Steve.

"She volunteered" Steve shrugged and quickly attacked T'Challa.

"Get the girl." Tony ordered the red dude who instantly swung to them.

Unfortunately, Robin couldn't see what happened next as Bucky grabbed her arm and ran faster. As they ran through the empty airport halls, the red and blue man climbed the outside window.

"What the hell is that?!" Bucky asked looking at the noob.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now!" Sam replied.

"This sucks!" Robin exclaimed under her breath.

The red dude- she decided that was a fitting name for now- decided to act and broke through the windows then straight into Sam. Bucky tried to throw a punch but the red dude was able to hold it as Robin finally allowed herself to start panicking.

'That wasn't supposed to happen...Bucky used his metal arm! Who is this guy?!?' Robin's mind raced as she watched the scene unfold on front of her.

"You have a metal arm!" The red dude said

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"You have a metal arm!" The red dude said. "That is awesome, dude!"

"What am I supposed to do!?!" Robin asked Bucky, successfully distracting the red dude.

"You're the one Mr. Stark wants-" the red dude said when Sam knocked into him.

Any other time, Robin would have asked the red man about his abilities- she was a curious teenager after all, and his powers seemed sick-, but as much as she hated to admit it, she was a powerless, puny, little girl for now. She couldn't even run, much less have an actually conversation.

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