Chapter 11

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After spending a year with Eric as his wife, I had changed immensely

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After spending a year with Eric as his wife, I had changed immensely. I knew that for every action, there was always a punishment. If I was anything but the loving and submissive wife that Eric craved, I was put through Hel. Scars marked my body from whips and burning pokers. For the first few months, my body was covered in bruises from Eric's cruel fists.


I had cried myself to sleep in many of the cold winter nights as I was locked up to sleep with the pigs. After so much pain and torture, I began to change. My tears dried and I learnt how to behave. My fear and sorrow, my happiness and my love, all replaced with pure unmoving hate. Hate consumed me like a fire. I knew that I had to behave. If I behaved, Eric would never expect me to burry a knife into him. Or perhaps I would chain him up and whip him in front of the town as humiliation and then tell him how it 'turned me on' to see such a vile display. Perhaps I would allow my friends to violate every fiber of his being. No, that is something he would do... Something he'd done and could never undo. And as the sharp whip collided with my soft and supple skin sending sharp thrashes of agony through me, as I screamed out for the town to hear, all I could think of doing was murdering that sick bastard.

"What are you thinking about wife?" Eric smiled, his eyes twinkling sinisterly.

"It does not matter, my love." I faked a brave face, all part of my disguise.

"Do not hide things from me, what is bothering you?" He persisted.

I almost clenched my jaw, almost narrowed my eyes in unimpressed annoyance. I didn't. I couldn't. I just faked sorrow as I came up with something, anything. "It is just how I have not yet given you any sons, I feel as though I am failing you." I lied. I had been pregnant at one point over the last year. The child had thankfully died before I'd had a chance to do anything about it. I didn't tell him I'd been pregnant. He didn't know the relief when pain shot through my stomach and the healer declared it as a dead babe. He would never know. I did want children one day. But I did not want them with a man like Eric. Never.

"We still have time, my Queen." He kissed my cheek, making me want to vomit.

"Now, we have visitors in the Great Hall. Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok from your home. I want you to come with me to speak with them."

My eyes widened. The Ragnarssons were here? Why? How many? Which ones? What did they want? Did I finally have the chance to go home? Eric and I walked to the Great Hall. I slowly and elegantly made my way to my throne, sitting beside my husband. Oh how I hated calling him that. The men from Kattegat entered soon after.

There were a few men whom I did not recognise. I soon recognised the familiarly cheerful smile of my friend, however. A man I thought I'd never see again. Hvitserk.

"Signy?" He let out shocked, staring at me as I sat atop my throne. For a split second, I let my true emotions show. Fear, hate, loneliness, everything that Id been through over the year flashed through my eyes. I quickly hid it, however, my eyes going cold once more as I sat back in my seat. I was quick enough to avoid Eric noticing, but not quick enough to stop concern showing on Hvitserk's face as he saw through my facade.

"Hvitserk." I greeted coldly, apathy laced through my every movement.

"Other than staring at my wife, son of Ragnar, what have you come here for?" Eric demanded impatiently.

Hvitserk turned to announce his words to everyone present, "My father, the great Ragnar Lothbrok, is dead." He turned back to Eric who wore an amused look on his face. "My brothers and I are raising a great army to avenge his death in England. We wondered if you, King Eric, would join us."

Eric pondered his words for a moment before speaking again, "I will think it through and give you my answer in the morning. Until then, you and your men are welcome to stay the night. I will send my lovely wife to your room to provide you with anything you may need."

Hvitserk looked at me with a raised eyebrow and that same concerned look in his eyes. I didn't meet his gaze, I couldn't stand the idea of him judging me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, looking to the ground.

Later that night, Eric sent me to the small hut that he'd left for Hvitserk. I stood outside, the moonlight shining down on my tiny pale body as I shook in the cold. I raised my hand to the door. Knock, knock, knock.
The door was soon opened and I finally made eye contact with the boy I'd grown up with.
"Signy." He sighed, a small smile on his lips.
"Hvitserk." I greeted coldly once more. He welcomed me in and closed the door behind me, wrapping a fur blanket around my quivering shoulders.

"I had no idea that you were here." He spoke again.

"For a year now, yes." I sighed, looking into the enchanting dance of the flames. Hvitserk moved his hand slightly, gesturing me to follow him to sit by the fire. However, as he did this, I flinched. I knew that Hvitserk would never hurt me, he was a good man... A good person. But it was instinct now. I couldn't stop it from happening. Hvitserk seemed to pick up on this and the look on his face as I flinched in fear was undescribable. He always knew me to be both strong and cheerful. I dealt with Ivar everyday so I could not be a coward. Not once had he ever seen me so fearful... So broken.

"Signy, I know you're protecting your sister but you need to come home." He said, fear evident in his voice.

I shrugged, "Why?"

"Why don't you tell me. What has that man done to you?" The way he referred to Eric was with such venom that I wasn't sure I was still talking to the same Hvitserk. But, I complied and told him everything that had happened in the last year. When I finished, Hvitserk looked horrified. I knew this would happen. Once again, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat kept my eyes trained on the ground. But I didn't expect what came next. "Signy, I'm so sorry. If any of us had known what was happening, he would be dead by now. In fact, I will send my men to bring him to me so I can kill him now."

"NO!" I protested.

"Signy, I know you're worried about your sister but-" Before Hvitserk could finish, I was speaking again.

"No, it's not that. You cannot kill him, Hvitserk. This is something I must do myself. I was just waiting for the right time to kill him. But, now that you're here, I am sure that the Gods wish for me to do it tonight. Whether or not Eric wishes to aid your brothers, your answer will be yes tomorrow. We will fight with you because I will be Queen and he will be dead, okay?"

Hvitserk only nodded as a response, he gently reached out and held onto my hand reassuringly.

Perhaps things could go back to how they were.

Perhaps I would go home once again.

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