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Big thanks to:

my readers online, thank you for all the support and kind words!

my sister for listening to me babble about my ideas

And to you for reading this book!

Mature content

This book contains explicit sex, gore, strong language, bondage, BDSM and threesome between men.

All Rights reserved

Year 5 A.P. - Summer

I wake up on my round big bed, covered in pillows and blankets, embraced by the darkness that those beautiful blackout curtains gave. I rolled around, making some pillows fall, trying to remember a reason to stand up and not stay in bed all day long.

As tempting as it was, however, I stretch, popping my back, and stand up. Is not really like I need sleep, is just that old habits are difficult to forget.

Especially to a young vampire that is.

Yawning loudly and showing off my pair of long fangs, I finally start to walk and open the curtains, staying in the light until I was awake enough to think again. My apartment was on the highest floor, giving me a good view of the city below outlined with a panoramic image of the now silver-blue sea.

Up there I could almost touch the always present clouds above, permanently darkening the earth enough that I could go out by day and yet grow some plants.

Big thanks for these little blessings, is it not?

I couldn't eat food though, so that was a minus; but the animals I drank from needed, so it worked out somehow.

Still I could entertain myself with normal beverage; and I was addicted to it, trying new things every chance I got, like cherry soda, – very sweet – vanilla soda, – just put ice-cream vanilla with soda – different types of coffee, and even tried some mixed up alcoholic drinks that I found how to make in a book, though many used fruits which I didn't have.

Today I choose to test a pink American lemonade, putting the sugar, lemon, the frozen cubes of cranberry juice and some ice in the extra big cup for this hot day. Sipping it up I cover the glass with my hands as its sweat drippes on my fingers, then I throw it all away and try with the straberry cubes.

Much better.

Afterwards I put my gym outfit; a tank top with those huge openings underneath the arms, and an oversized jogger.

It was pointless to work out once you are dead; even more cardio, ha!; but I enjoyed it, or at least had done so before my death, which only meant that now I have a hot ass body for eternity, yay!

Putting my running shoes in by the entrance, I grab my keys and go straight to the stairs, starting my warm up with 15 floors and 450 steps; yeah, I counted; and was out on the street.

"Morning neighbor!" I receive a growl in response as he bangs his head against the already filthy glass, trying to catch me from inside the guard's cabinet.

A pair of glass doors are stuck open leading to a blocked off free of danger street; courtesy of mine, some bricks and a lot of free time; but, instead of following that safe path, I jump up the tall walls and into the filled with zombies street beyond.

Jogging about I easily dodge any incoming treat, all the zombies slowly turning around trying to grab me as I dashed and dodged- as if any of this rotting undeads would be able to catch me, what a joke. A gurgling scream resonated from somewhere a little later on, bringing a fang showing smile to my face.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now