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Hm... How should I do this? Every time I went out in the city it was without a care; like jogging on the main street, provoking the runners, even going face to face with danger by entering their nests, so how the fuck I'm supposed to pass two humans by all of that without even a scratch?

"Hey, just to clarified, how the hell you two intended to walk around the city? Don't tell me that you only thought about a car, right?"

They look between each other, the only answer been Dylan shrugging. I sigh at that, realizing that I didn't even make exits or entryways for cars uhm, though I had some goodies stocked away close by outside the walls.

"And in which parallel world that would have worked out? Without even counting on the streets been blocked off most of the time, there is all the zombies that would get in your way making you slow down or lose your balance, and all the noise that-"

"Don't worry, we got that the moment we entered the city grounds."

Oh, yeah, that's true, they experienced that first hand.

Hm... the streets were off limits then, there was no way we could pass so many zombies without been seen. That left us with the upper floors, the roofs and stuff, but how the hell would we travel through that? I could always make bridges and connect the buildings, but that would take ages!

At least I upgraded my "to do" list, right beside the "make Dylan last more than one round", hehe.

"Hm... I have an idea." I say to both, making a glint of hope flash in their eyes, until Richard; always fucking Richard; asks:


"But you won't like it."


"For once, you were right. I hate it!" Said Richard, making me laugh, until my brain worked out what he said.

"Wait, what do you mean for once? I'm always right!"


Currently we were walking over the city and its deadly streets by going from roof to roof. There was, however, just one small, tiny detail, that the humans weren't able to jump so high, so~~~

I was carrying them.

Richard was on my back, trying to strangle me to death; good thing I didn't need to breathe, right? Ha, haha; While I was carrying/hugging Dylan very closely in front of me so he wouldn't fall. Thankfully there was no one to see us there beyond the zombies, a grown vampire caring two other grown men, I admit that it would look... quite silly.

But at least it was working all right!

"Just don't get used to it." I said to Richard, who was probably frowning behind me as he said:

"Get used to what?"

"Being on top."

I jump to yet another roof, smirking, as Dylan tries to hide his blushing on my chest. Uhm, he was so warm...

"Even more mounting me like a horse, because I think I already proved that-"

"Oh, come on, can't you talk seriously for once? Why do you need to keep making fun of me all the time?!"

"Uhm... Because you are too serious wolfy, you need to chill out more! You will end up having a heart attack like that old man!" And because is fun, his expressions were priceless.

I earn a slap on the back of my head, making an ouch escape my lips. Richard, Richard, getting bold aren't we? I just laugh at his behavior, loving to get under his skin.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now