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We reach the back entry once more, but something seemed... out of place, to quiet and empty; they would not have given up that easily now, would they?

"... Did they leave?"

Good question Dylan; but the perspective sends shivers down my spine. Too easy, too good to be true.

Unsure what to do, I check the place as best as I can, until we end up in front of the exit.

"Better take our chances farther away from here." I say before we go in as I stand at the door, looking inside the darkness to check if there is any trap set down there for us, sniffing the damp air only for the rotting stench to fill my nostrils.

Pity that I didn't realize that the trap was already set... right behind us.

My only warning was a low growl that made me turn around merely to receive the full blow on my chest as the ghoul threw himself at me, attaching his body on my chest and locking his four limbs like a damn koala around my torso as another one did the same behind it, but this time the double impact made me lose my balance and fall back the exit door, flying down the set of stairs.

In the middle of the mess I'm able to attack the one attached to me, making a hole right in his chest, passing my hand between his ribs and pulling his heart and bones back, but the lack of space plus the other ghoul behind it made it a tight deadlock.

Before I could even try to stand, however, other ghouls appeared at the entryway, and at the same time that I heard gunshots from above I was dragged down by many ghouls, hitting the stairs and walls as the creatures blurred and drag me down quickly and not stopping.

With one hand stuck inside the ribcage and the other between our bodies I hiss in anger, kicking the air pointlessly.

Fuck fuck fuck!

The moment we reach the end of the stairs they let me go at the same moment I prompt myself on my feet, the ghoul I attacked flopping down on the ground as the others surrounded me.

I hiss at them, my red eyes shining in the total darkness of the rails, but one look closer shows me quickly that the darkness was pinpointed with many white dots.


Many, many ghouls, all around me, surrounding me at all fours, snarling and staying between me and the exit. I take my sword out, snarling back, my blood running cold as I hear another set of shots coming from upstairs.

How the fuck they were able to trap us like this?

No matter though, I just need to kill them, I thought as I take a step forward, making them swarm around the exit, not backing off. Bloody cockroaches. Strange thing was, however, that they did not attack me, not until I tried to pass by them.

Worse than that, however, was when the shots stopped, and the silence prevailed.

That's when I attacked, running straight up, blade at the front with my hands high, circling the sharp metal in the air to encounter the first that jumped up at me, cutting the creature in half and bathing me in blood, the others coming from all sides as I sidestep the closest one, bringing the blade up and slicing his face in haft.

I jump back, closer to the exit and making the others miss as I turn, already bringing the blade up, the tip scratching the floor and making sparkles fly up in the dark place, the silver blade almost invisible as it cut pieces of flesh and bones, corpses piling up but still their number did not reduce.

I was forced back when they, like coordinated soldiers, attacked at my front all at once, six of them, three jumping up and three covering the ground. Falling back and bringing dust up while moving my legs apart in a fighting position, I look at the creatures once more, filling the ground and walls with their bodies, snarling with drool dripping down their chins passing their rotten teeth, their white eyes staring me down.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now