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Their eyes widen at the mass of zombies coming into view, but I wasn't worried, not even glancing at the lowly undead, keeping my stare on the humans as I said:

"Let's play a game, I'll open up the path and you will have to keep up with my pace or stay behind to be eaten alive! Good luck!"

I smile and use an unsheathing attack to wipe the first wave, already curving my wrist and cutting the second wave that stumbles forward from the lack of undead in front, starting to accelerate my cuts until my movements blurred together in a big X shape, up, down, as I start to walk.

I do not wait to see their faces at my easy advance against the horde of undead; ten years cleaning up places makes you get the grip of the exact angle, speed and strength needed to send heads rolling down the floor.

The humans take some time to recover, almost being left behind, but once they realized the situation; the absurd situating; they were in they start to organize themselves in a semicircle of soldiers protecting the civilians as I stayed at the front.

Should I run? Or it would be too evil? Hm... rather save the fun for later, with more humans alive that is.

Dylan's body was so close and warm that the smell of his blood made me lick the back of my fangs, wanting to take him there without a care in the world.

Should have had received my payment first, shit.

I kept doing the tedious task of cleaning up a path at a slow pace, yawing a little at that, keeping the pace until we reached my base, my mind wondering to the unspeakable things I would do to them.

Really should have used larger pants.

The other humans covered the back on their own, shooting their machineguns or using their long sharp knives, but it was a calm walk even if you don't consider the never-ending mass of undead coming forth, stumbling over the double dead bodies.

Good thing I cleared up the hunters in the area, uhm, they would have been troublesome to deal with.

The runners were just plain stupid; they screamed menacing and started to run wild right into my blades. Stupid. The ones from the back, however, made the humans sweat in fear.

Ah, finally! I saw the wall from the distance, as I start to jog, saying:

"Almost there, let's go faster!"

From the very beginning my speed did not decrease, my blade cutting with mechanic precision, restless as only an undead could be.

As we reach the wall, however, I remember that I did not make any entranceways nor exits so I need to grab them one by one and throw them over the wall.

They didn't seem too happy about it; not that I asked or cared anyway.

Once everybody was on the other side of the wall, they were left speechless, and not for little; I made sure to take good care of this place for the past ten years.

Cleaning my blade and sheating it I could only imagine how this looked like a piece of paradise for them. I worked hard on that, I think looking at enclosure; I had taken off the sidewalks, planting trees that curved over the street, as well as a lot of brushes and edible fruits laying around.

"We could live here..."

My eye twitch at that comment from one of the crew, but I just smile; Oh, you will be living here, just as part of the livestock.

"Do you like my garden?"

None of them answer, too mesmerized by the peaceful landscape. Dylan starts to wiggle over my shoulder, but he only earns another slap on the butt.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now