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Waking up slowly I felt my body heavy as a rock, my senses gradually coming together as I felt a strange taste in my mouth. Even with my eyelids close the place was too bright, making me grimace.

I try to open them too quickly but soon realize my mistake; I could see that the place had most windows covered by curtains, but the few open were enough to burn my eyes, like a too-bright white screen when you are in a completely dark room.

I try once more, slowly this time, getting used to the light slowly, only to see Richard's face up near mine, his body cupping my own close, his arms around my waist and his legs over my own, like a big cuddly octopus.

That brought a smile to my face. Richy as an octopus, a very huggy one, or more like a bear, yes, a tall warm bear with wide hugs.

It was funny and a warm thought until a realized something; that Richard was dead cold, with features pale and his muscles hard as stone.

He... he wasn't dead right?

Then I remember everything that happened in the laboratory, Richard getting bitten by one of those Ghouls things, then the other vampire attacking us... then I passed out and couldn't remember a thing.

What happened? How was still alive?

I didn't know what to do; scream in confusion, cry in sorrow, or simply freeze in place; but I gave myself a mental slap – I'm a Goddamnit doctor for God's sake! I have better control over myself then this, so do not dare to panic!

I half-sit up with one arm supporting me and go for Richard pulse right at the neck – Only to find nothing at all. I go to check the breathing, leaving my finger under his nose, only to confirm that there was no breathing.

Is this the moment that is ok to panic?

Just when I was about to, my eyes bugging out, his arm moves and brings me closer to him, embracing more tightly.

I think it took me a few minutes to be able to think again.

Then I blinked like crazy, as if starting my brain up, and took a deep breath only to feel the strangest sensation ever; of my lungs deflating and not filling up again, of not needing it, of not breathing at all and not feeling the need, not feeling suffocated nor pressure over my ribs.

I, ever so slowly, bring my hand up to my mouth and pass it over my teeth; and find far sharper and longer incisors where my canine used to be.

I pull Richard lips up and find the same situation, the now totally white teeth having an addition of two sharp incisors in the upper line.


We what...?

How is that... how is that even possible?

I start to look around with new eyes, noticing how sharp my senses were, and how... empty my body felt, like... like something was missing, as if a hole was dug deep inside me, taking parts out.

Is it because of the lack of function of my organs? How does that work? My doctor side is twinkling with interest, my curiosity almost overwhelming my predicament.

What stopped working? I did not need to breath; check; no hearth beat; check; and yet my veins were filled with blood, I had a stomach, I think, but he biggest change came from my brain; sharper, quicker, my senses far better than before.


I kept analyzing myself; I could hear everything, but not just that, sounds, colors, everything seemed more... vivid, alive, as if my vision before went through a glass cup; it was almost unbearable for the amount of information that's coming all at once.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now