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Year 8 A.P. – Autumn

I woke up in my round big bed, not really needing any sleep and yet tired nonetheless. Yawning I stretch, open the window, and whistle away in my apartment, programming my day once again, as always.

Today was cold, so I choose a Switzerland hot crème chocolate, warming it up and putting some marshmallows on top, mixing until it melted so I could lick the spoon clean and drink it all in little sips, hugging the warm mug with my hands.

Uhm, uhm. Delicious.

Warmed up I put my gym clothes and ran through the city, gathering once more some runners to join in the fun.

One of the perks of being in the middle of a big city is that it's never lacking zombies to deal with, ha, haha. Yeah...

By midday I had taken off a map of the place, planning where I would secure next, after already freeing the shopping mall; which kept me occupied for a very long time I may add; and planning on making a farm.

Yeah, a Vampire Farmer, sounds very weird, like... like the name of a porn movie.

Ok, now my mind went too far and I'm imagining bad things related to farming "animals"; by that I mean humans, just to clarify. I passed my tongue behind my fangs, thirsty, yet not as eager for animal blood. That thought stops me on my tracks as I keep looking emptily at the map in front of me.

Humans hm... when was the last time I saw one of them? Or rather, other things than prey and zombies?

Hell, when was the last time I spoke to someone?

I shake my head. It doesn't matter, and I like this way, after all, I have all the city to myself, have a generator working, lots of gas and movies, books, clothes, anything at all! Who never looked outside the window to the overgrowing city before them and thought of owning it all? Or going to a shopping mall and wanting to simply pick up what you needed, without worrying about paying it?

I had that access.

To hell those novels with rich vampires, I own a city! All on my own!

Beat that romance writers, ha!

Who are probably dead by now. Ops, what way to lighten up the mood uhm, hehe.

So, farming. Yeah, first, I found a book about that, then I went in the tedious task of finding out how to plant, where to plant and, mostly, what to plant in this permanent shaded and toxic cloudy place.

I started with berries; and a lot of them, from strawberries to raspberries, blackberries, cherries and even some pear so that the wildlife could munch on.

Aren't I nice?

Nah, not really, just securing a fat income of honeyed blood, uhm uhm.

Then I prepare the place, cleaning a square from weeds and garbage, closing the place from the wild life and only allowing my cows in there, as I wanted my supply of milk secured... for my drinks, of course. Cow milk expires really quickly I discovered.

Then I get tired and just throw the seeds all over the place, not really looking at the paper to know which ones I was opening and planting.

So much for my previous research right?

The day was still going but I was already out of things to do hum... oh, I know! I jog around until I reach the shopping mall, going directly to the male clothes section. Just because is the apocalypse doesn't mean I have to dress badly now, does it?

I try on some expansive suits; from the classy all black to a velvet bloody red, a blue one with a silver tie, but something was off, none of them felt... vampirish enough. I look at the mirror, pushing my black hair up, smiling smugly and winking at myself.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now