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It was like if a building was on fire, all the ever-so calm zombies start to move at the same direction with some of the Runners mixed up screaming in frustrating from the slow pace of the mass, trying to walk on top of the fallen ones.

Another couple of shots resonated in the distance, the fire of the gun very bright in the natural all black night, as the moon stood shaded by the toxic clouds.

I start laughing, a full teeth laugh, a sinister expression taking over my features as my eyes become filled with a red fireish glow.

Humans... yes... finally...

I jump on top of roofs, my mind trying to calm my pulsating body, a throbbing sensation that almost made me think that my heart beat again.

I stay on top of a pole as I oversee the situation and easily conclued that they were royally fucked. The group of heavily armed men in military gear were protecting the ones in the middle; civilians perhaps; while they backed off inside one of the buildings. A quick swipe on the surroundings showed me military vehicles with the tires messed up, and for the state of the car for a very long time and distance.

They were ambushed perhaps? All the four tires had holes in them... A little odd to say the least.

They caught my attention once more when they finally reach the inside, locking the door behind them as soon as the zombies start hammering their bodies against it.

With a dumb smile plastered in my face all the time, I start to plan my hunt; I wouldn't let the underdogs zombies take my meal away now would I?

So, how should I save them? Like a knight in shining armor coming to the rescue?

Damn I knew that horse would come in handy someday, pity I never found one.

Hiding that I was a vampire sounded like fun, imagining the look on their faces when I revealed the truth send shivers down my spine and watered my mouth. It would be so... messy.

But then they would get suspicious of me, a mere human surviving in a packed city? Even more it would be problematic to fight in front of them, and saving them while pretending to fight as a human was going to be a little too much.

After all, I could always kidnap some of them, lock them up like the cattle they were, see them beg for their lives as I sip them little by little, crushing piece by piece their hopes and dreams.

Ops, not the time to be getting hard now.

Ah, no, no no... I know... I know the best way, I thought as I licked my incisors, feeling my pants get tighter. From what I saw in the movies the humans nowadays thought that vampires were... misunderstood, humans with sharp teeth and a strict diet, I could exploit that, wear my puppy eyes.

Then snap their necks inside my den.

The moment they felt under my gaze they were already mine; I was just waiting to tell them that.

I slide in the building by the upper floors, the halls filled with the undead. I easily make my way to the first floor, but I don't go to them yet; no no, I wait for them to come to me, but was kind enough to leave a path cover in zombies goo and parts.

I enter one of the rooms, sit high up the table, curving one of my legs up as to really clarified that I wasn't a zombie, and start sharpening my blade; the sword one; making the eerie sound echo through the empty corridors.

"What was that?!" I hear a frantic voice say, and decide to stop my movements, letting the sound fall.

"It was nothing, let's move on."

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now