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After our... exercise I stay in bed for a while with Dylan hugging my back, his arm laying over my waist limply since he was too small to hug me completely, while I embrace a very tired Richard.

I think I overdid it, just a little bit, hehe.

With my eyes open I let the night pass, their deep breaths and beating hearts sounding like a lullaby to me. I hug Richard harder, a strange sadness overcoming me.

Fuck, what's wrong with me? I just got 4 rounds of dirty intense sex, and yet the warmth I felt back then seemed to have been frozen in my already dead heart.

Stroking mindlessly Richard's hair, I stop my hand mid-motion. What I'm doing? I look down at his sleeping face and clench my teeth, straightening up and getting to the edge of the bed, sitting there as I look back at them.

I stay still for a while, lost in thought, my hands clenching into fists... then I stand, clean Richard up and bring him closer to Dylan, leaving the two hugging each other with a blanket over them.

I watch the night pass by, confuse. Fuck, I knew humans would bring only trouble... their kind always brought a mix of emotions with them, of lust, of hate, of love, of fear.

I hit the wall with my fist once my mind tries to make sense from the chaos that my heart is in right now.

Humans... they are mere pets, to be played with, caged, savored and tossed aside, like the cattle they were...

No attachments.

No feelings.

And yet, once I remember the smiling face of Dylan, or the gasping one of Richard under me, I can almost feel my dead heart beating again.

Goddamnit, what's wrong with me? I think, resting my head against the glass.

Focus now, Samael, focus, control your thoughts, and you control your emotions, control your thoughts...

I try to distract myself, change my line of thought; The two of them are tired now, they will want breakfast, won't they? What should I make today? Cereals? I will need milk them, yes, yes.

Oh, right, I should choose which clothes they will wear today, yes!

I still had a lot of time, so I choose carefully all the outfits, as well as went to get some fishes for lunch and let them marinate, absorbing a mixture of herbs and olive oil, as I already had cleaned the scales and taken the head off beforehand.

At least is what I think I was supposed to do since this cooking books don't have any video to show how is done, sad, internet was so convenient.

The sun was already out once Dylan wakes up, making me curve my lips up, thinking about how he would react at the little surprises I left for him; such as walking up been hugged by a very-totally-naked-Richard.

You are welcome sweet Dylan.

I hear him gasp, smelling his arousal as he probably looked up and down all over the very well-toned body in front of him.

After a very, very long time later I hear him rustling off the bed, his feet touching the ground as great part of his clothes were gone, obligating him to wear the ones I especially separated for him.

I whistle once a blushing Dylan comes to view, walking slowly and trying to get used to the outfit and shoes. Ok, I surpassed my own expectations.

He was wearing women clothes, a white blouse with fluffy sleeve and neck up buttons, as well as a corset tight on his waist covering until it reached his nipples, but not covering them. To complete the look he was wearing a long skirt filled with waves or ruffles, going slightly up on his behind, staying shorter in the front and showing off part of his legs and the high heels boots.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now