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Year 10 A.P. – Spring

The birds were chirping.

The flowers were blooming.

The animals were all happy and trotting together in the now very large free of zombies area in the very middle of the city that I created.

And yet here I lay for the past two weeks, in my bed, in the dark, looking up at the never changing ceiling. My lack of mood only got worse when I stopped moving at all; I didn't need food, didn't need to go to the bathroom, hell, I didn't even need to breathe, the perfect setting to lay down and not stand up for nothing at all, resembling the dead body I was more than ever.

It was pointless after all.

The world wouldn't miss me if I was gone, right here right now, a simple dust been brush away, meaningless.

Ten years, ten fucking years in this place, alone, always trying new things to get going so I wouldn't stop, to chase away the boredom, and yet here I am looking at the ceiling and pretending to be a corpse, not even putting effort into blinking, just staring at the empty space, as if simply waiting would change anything at all.

Not that standing up would.

Everything that came to mind I did, all those years, and now, with lack of ideas I simply... stopped.

In this dead world, one would think to be fitting that an undead like me still roomed around, but as far as the rest of my body was dead my brain still worked, my soul even; if one believe that vampires still have those; still hold onto a spark of life, a wish to exist, and yet to live this... this empty life, what was the point?

After all, what if I the last humanoid with a functioning brain around?

Surely not...

Yet ten years... They would have noticed the walls around the city by now would they not? Or they wouldn't even try to come to the big city because of the number of zombies?

Don't get me wrong, however. I don't want or need their presence...

But it was pointless to laugh at a funny movie if you could not share the experience, it was pointless to find the perfect recipe for a beverage if only you would drink.

God, I need a dog. Or a bunch of cats.

Wait, there are still those around?

Now that was a depressing thought.

Maybe a wolf would do, I could tame him, if not I could try to remake dogs with the next generations, that would be a fun experience.

The exact moment I have those thoughts I hear a whimpering, a crack, then paws running and scattering around.




My eyes suddenly turn totally bloody-red, my muscles tense and my nails grow into longs black claws.

I had enough of them, hunting in my territory, hunting MY animals! I grab my sword, moving as fast as to not even leave an afterimage, so much anger boiling inside my veins that I felt I could smash buildings with my bare fists.

Maybe I could.

I hiss as the smell of wolf blood reaches my nostrils, showing off my pair of long incisors. As a blur I pass through the very well-known place, dodging trees without even looking at them, watching far in search of those Hunters.

Once I reach them I do not use my sword, no, they didn't deserve a clean cut, I wanted blood to be spilled, I wanted to shred them to pieces, so that's what I did; they didn't even have time to carry the wolf's body with them as I appear behind the biggest one and, with a firm grip of his head and body, separate him into two big lumps of meat, letting the pieces fall and wobble on the floor until I smash his head with my foot.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat