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I took a shower after that, which didn't really work on my member, but it didn't need to, no... not tonight.

The mere thought makes me purr.

Even though I was very eager, Dylan asked some time alone before as he said, red as a tomato, we "do the thing".

God, he cannot even say sex, how naïve, how pure, how I would love to fuck him to exhaustion.

To pass the time, however, I cleaned the place up; yeah yeah, the all mighty vamp, the powerful me, cleaning dust? What can I say? I cannot command it to stay clean or anything you know? Would rather clean it myself than live in a mausoleum. That was, like, too last century you know? Too old school.

I turn the radio on, letting Emergency from Icona Pop play, shaking my head and cleaning the dust in rhythm with the song, singing out loud:

"Girls hide your men, 'cause I'm hot and I'm dancing!!~~

I put a little twist in my hips~~

Kiss on my lips ~~

Ice on my wrist 'cause I'm hot and I'm dancing ~~"

With the little work out I was still full of energy, looking out the window all the time waiting for the sun to set, my incisors out all afternoon, as well as other things standing...

It has been too long since I "did the thing", snickers, far more than mere 10 years...

When finally the night came I knock on the door, hearing a flustered Dylan almost breaking something, saying:

"D-don't come in yet! I'm not ready!"

Of course I ignored that and enter anyway, seeing an already blushing Dylan standing, holding a lamp that almost felt down, the only difference from before being the lack of boots and the cape.

I, on the contrary, took my time choosing my clothes...

I was wearing black leather tight pants low on the hip, nothing on my pale feet, the upper part being slightly covered by a long furry cape, letting my abs in view but not much more.

Easy enough to take off and to tease at the same time, hehe.

"Is already night Dylan...and now is time for the payment."

He gulps, nervous, looking back and forth as I went closer, leaving a couple of lights on, barely enough so that Dylan could still see me.

I cover his nervous body with mine, looking at him closely and worsening his fidgeting, making him bite his lower lip and look away.

"Have you changed your mind cupcake?"

"No, no!" He quickly answers. "Is just that... uhm, how do we start this?"

Start? I'm no car, and even more, I was never turned off...

I pass my tongue over my lips, smirking all the way in.

"How about a kiss?"

He looks back at me but blushes under the intensity of my gaze, nodding shyly.

I bend closer, feeling the heat of his warm body, taking in the smell of all my shampoos again as I lick his plump pink lips, biting down his lower one.

This sinful heart shaped moisty plump lips have been tempting me for far too long.

I take him all in, biting, sucking, almost forgetting to let him breathe as I finally manage to pry his mouth open for my tongue to explore, making him tremble and shiver under me, the intensity of my moves making him light-headed.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now