5: Notes

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I tried to quickly make my way back to my room before anyone could see me, but luck was not on my side. As I rounded a corner, I ran into Meg.

"Elizabeth, where have you been all morning? I was so worried about you. I feared you had disappeared, just as Christine had last night.", she exclaimed as she gave me a tight hug.

I hugged her back and said, "I was so worried that I just couldn't sleep. I got out of bed early this morning and took a walk. Just needed some fresh air is all. No need to worry about me. Where is Christine now?"

"Mother thought it best that she went to her room to get some rest. She made it clear that no one was to visit her right now.", Meg said.

We started walking down the long corridor and as we rounded a corner, I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Pardon me, I wasn't watching where I was going.", the man spoke.

Wait, I knew that voice. "Raoul!", I exclaimed, as I took his hand.

"Elizabeth! My dear, are you alright? Have you heard about Christine?", Raoul questioned as he helped me back to my feet.

"I only know that she didn't return to her room last night. Oh Raoul, I couldn't sleep last night knowing that she might be in danger.", I said, forming a little white lie as to not reveal what I witnessed.

"As well as I, Lizzie. But, if you'd please excuse me, I need to go find Firmin and Andre.", Raoul said, holding up a note that he received. "I have some pressing affairs to attend to."

"Wait, Raoul. We'll come with you.", I said, as Meg and I followed Raoul to the lobby of the opera house.

"Where is she?"

"You mean Carlotta"

"No, I mean Ms. Daae. Where is she?"

"Well how should we know?"

"Monsieur don't argue. Isn't this the letter you wrote?"

"And what is it that we're meant to have wrote? ... written"

M. Andre and M. Firmin read over the letter, but before either one of them could respond, Madame Giry walked in, with a letter in her hand.

"Miss Daae has return."

"May I see her?", Raoul questioned.

"No, Monsieur she will so no one.", as she turned to Andre and Firmin. "Messieurs, I have a note."


I sat down at my organ, deep in thought as to the events that had recently happened. I asked Madame to let me do this. After all these years, I needed Christine to finally meet me. Although, it did not end the way I wanted it to, Christine has finally heard my music. She knows that I am her Angel of Music. Oh, what an angel she is. She sings like an angel sent down from above.

During the night, while Christine lay sleeping in my bed, I had written out several notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theater is to be run. Those two fools, Andre and Firmin, have no idea what they are doing. They're  complete imbeciles who know nothing of the arts. They are just in it for the fame and fortune.

As for Carlotta, I have dealt with her voice for far too long. She is seasons past her prime, yet no one is doing anything about it. All the "accidents" in which I have caused were all to try and get her to leave my opera. Thankfully, she had finally did exactly what I wanted her to. She left and Christine was able to sing. Oh, how beautifully she sang last night.

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