9: No One Would Listen

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It was very early in the morning when I had awoke from my slumber. I had hardly slept, it's just not the same in here without Christine. I decided to get out of bed and walk across the hall to Elizabeth's room, to see if she was having trouble sleeping as I was. Hopefully, she was up too.

I slowly and carefully opened her door. I always loved coming into her room because she had an enormous window with a beautiful view of the city. I looked in the direction of her bed and I gasped. She was not in her bed. Where could she be? Oh please tell me something hasn't happened to her!

If she had left her room, I would surely have heard her open her door. I have been up most of the night. I cautiously walked toward her bed and, when I approached it, I had found a red rose with a black ribbon tied around it on her night stand.

My blood ran cold. I have seen this before, the night Christine had disappeared. I had found one just like it lying on the floor in Carlotta's dressing room. I grabbed the rose and hurried to mother's room. I hope she won't get angry at me for waking her up in the middle of the night.

"Mother, wake up. Please, Elizabeth is missing", I frantically said as I entered her room. "I'm afraid he has taken her too, mother."

"Meg Giry, do you know what time it is?", she said, annoyance hinted in her voice. She had turned up her lantern to light the room up.

"I found this in Lizzie's room. Please mother, I'm frightened.", I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Do not fear for Elizabeth. He is of no harm to her.", she said as she motioned for me to take a seat on her bed.

"Mother, who is he?", I quietly said, playing with the petals of the rose in my hand. She had never told me the story of how he got here or why he's even here. 'Why do you help him? He's dangerous."

"Okay, my dear, I think it is time I tell you this story. When I was a young ballerina, living in these very dormitories, a traveling circus had come to town, gypsies.  They called him "The Devil's Child". They trapped him in a cage. They beat him, all for the form of entertainment. He would hid his face behind a cloth sack and they would rip it off of him. Everyone would stand there and laugh at him, just watching him get beat. Not me. I couldn't bare to watch his torment", she paused before she continued.

"I was the last one to exit the tent. Before I exited, I turned to see him one last time. But, I saw him strangle his abuser. Before I knew what happened, someone walked in and shouted murder. Meg, I had to help him, I couldn't just leave him there. They would have killed him. So, I brought him here. I hid him away from the world and this opera house is all he has known since then. He's a genius, Meg. He's an architect and designer. He's a composer and a magician.", mother said and I listened. "He's a genius."

"Mother, he frightens me. He killed a man and now Elizabeth is in his presence. Mother, why are you still helping him?", I softly spoke once she finished her story.

She had brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and tilted my chin up.

"Don't be afraid my child, no harm will come to you. Or Elizabeth or Christine. Now, go back to sleep, my dear.", she said as she caressed my cheek.

"Mother, how can I sleep when there is a murderer and kidnapper lurking about?", I exclaimed. I raised my voice a little louder than I should have.

"Meg Giry, do not raise your voice at me. He is not going to come for you. You are in no danger and neither is Elizabeth. Now, go back to your room and go back to sleep.", mother said, as she pointed towards her bedroom door.

"Good night mother.", I said as I stood up and exited her room. "I'm sorry for raising my voice."

I made my way back to my room, but I checked Lizzie's room before I entered mine. I was utterly shocked to find her tucked away in her bed, sound asleep. I quietly walked into her room, to place the rose back to where I had found it. I quickly and quietly  rushed out of her room because I didn't know if he was still around up here. I walked to my room and tucked myself back in bed.

The Man Behind the Monster: Phantom of the Opera StoryWhere stories live. Discover now