28: A Moonless Night

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"Lady Elizabeth, we have arrived."

I must have fallen asleep during our journey because my entire body shot up once I heard Gregory's voice.

"Lady Elizabeth?", Gregory asked once more, tapping on the door of the carriage.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming.", I responded.

I sat there for a few moments, the realization of the moment hitting me.

Erik was here.

I felt my hands start to shake as the nervousness set it. I reached my shaking hand out towards the door to open it. My legs felt like noodles once I stood up to exit the carriage.

The sun was setting, so the sky looking like a beautiful painting of pink and orange. I looked around to see what phase the moon was, but circled completely around, not finding it in the sky.

A new moon, I supposed.

"Lady Elizabeth, would you like me to escort you?", Gregory asked, as I closed the carriage door.

"Could you maybe stay with the horse? Just for now?", I asked, twiddling my thumbs.

I wasn't quite sure what I was walking in to. Is there someone here that is helping him or is he here by himself? I don't want to expose him to Gregory, even though Gregory would do no harm.

I just wanted to keep Erik safe.

"Yes, my Lady.", Gregory nodded, stepping aside to let me pass him.

A small wooden house came into my view. There were some overgrown shrubs, that hid the porch. Behind the small house, a red barn caught my eye.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw a lamp turn on inside of the house. Every step I took was hesitant. I was so nervous to find out who was behind that door. I felt like as soon as that door opened, my legs will give out from beneath me.

My shaky legs carried me up the few wooden steps that lead up to the front door. The wood creaked under the weight of my foot. Once I reach the top, I stood there for a moment, staring at the brown door ahead of me.

My feet seemed to move for me. I raised my fist up and lightly knocked on the door three times. I heard some shuffling behind the door, before it opened up to reveal an older man.

"Good evening, Mademoiselle. How might I help you?", the man asked, with slight confusion.

"Hello, Monsieur. My name is Elizabeth and I was sent by Madame Giry to deliver a message. She gave me this address.", I explained to the man.

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth Daae?", the man question. His eyes seemed to widen in shock.

"Oui, Monsieur.", I said. "I have come looking for..."

"Erik.", he quickly said, interrupting me. "You are here for Erik."

"Yes.", I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. "Is he here?"

"No.", he responded. I nearly stopped breathing at his response. "He lives in a house through the woods. I can show you the way."

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