~43 Training~

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I wake up my alarm going off I grown and press snooze. I cuddle back into Joe until snooze goes off I give Joe a kiss on the nose before going to get showered. Yesterday we reported Harry but today was our first day of training so me and Joe decided that we would forget about the Harry situation when we are training.


'We are doing the....JIVE' 'Oh no' he Says I just laugh.

'5..6..7..8 THATS IT YOU GOT IT!!' I shout happily. I was so happy How far Joe had come in one day it was amazing. I love dancing with him and I think I still love him. We have kissed a lot but we haven't made it official. You can technically say I'm cheating on Harry if you think about it but I never committed to the relationship in the first place. It got to 5:30 when we decided to call it a day.

Really short. Really tiered I had a test today and was nervous for that. ❤️

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