Chapter 2

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Cassidy looked like a lost puppy standing there after Lainey had fought back in her own defense, but not all who wander are lost. She thought Cassidy was brave, she was something else. It's always the crazy ones who are hot. She spun on her feet and walked to the nearest table to take an order. The order was big, but not as complicated as the orders at the bar she used to work at. She didn't like to think back about it. Memories would flood back unwillingly. The anxieties would spiral hard and before she'd like to admit it, she would shut down completely. Panic attack mode. No matter how hard she tried to push them out, they always pushed back. Jess pushed back. That girl truly broke something in her... willingness and trust to ever love again? Trust again? Be normal ever again? Who knows. All she did know, was Jess was the love of her life. Now she was gone, just like that.

Turns out, screwing the owner's daughter in the fridge isn't stated as a fireable offense in the employee handbook, but is indeed a fireable offense. She stuck the order on the spindle and kept moving. Four orders my ass, she could do 7 maybe at most 8. She served most the tables out there that night, ranging from the front to the back of the restaurant. She stressed hard... harder than when she found out she had been caught in the fridge with the owners' daughter's legs draped over her shoulders. Screaming, pleasurably, she could remember it now, the chills running down her spine. The kind of moan that comes from a satisfied angel. She plopped down on the short curb outside the restaurant and lit a cigarette. 10-minute breaks were truly meant for smokers.

"Aren't you a little young for cigarettes." Cassidy came from the back door and slowly sat beside her outside the restaurant. Sighing as she leaned back against the wall.

What a nosey bitch. Lainey thought to herself. She hated people who never apologized and couldn't even admit they were wrong. Just avoided the awkward situation that they should be talking about. Cassidy seemed like one of those people, at least she was pretty.

"Should I be drinking instead?" She gave Cassidy an annoyed look, and was given the response of rolling eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be inside taking care of the overly excessive number of church-going customers?" Lainey blew out smoke and chuckled silently to herself. Most of them were commenting on Lainey's tattoos. What the small trinket tattoos around her arms meant and if her boyfriend approved of them. She could hardly stand people, let alone old people who assumed things they have no right ask.

"Nah, church bus left 10 minutes ago." Cassidy laughed airlessly, leaning against the wall on the smallest curb in all of San Francisco. It was an exhausting night, no end in sight as it felt. Lainey was used to being off earlier than midnight. High school was over, and this was real life. Her eyes cracked red from the smoke and the exhaustion.

"So, what's your deal?" Lainey asked her, looking out across the small parking lot and tapping off the excess of her cigarette. Instead of meeting her eyesight when she stared back questionably.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cassidy said with an almost offended huff. Looking to her.

"You always go into gay clubs by yourself? Not looking where you're going much?" Lainey softly chuckled, taking a long drag off her cigarette. Annoyed she was the one who had to face this awkward situation head on. She knew that seemed to get right under her skin the last time, and she enjoyed the mind games with people most of all. After all, she was a lonely Scorpio.

"I have a boyfriend. Thank you very much. I'm not gay, and I wasn't alone. I was supporting my best friend." Cassidy pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them; it was breezy outside that night. Lainey shook her head in agreement, understanding some part of it. "What's your deal?" Cassidy asked back, mocking Lainey, but with a little smile.

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