Chapter 18

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Cassidy's alarm went off and she groggily arose from her sleep and turned it off, rolling over to face the opposite direction, the rays of sunshine coming through the blinds on the massive window in her room.

"I know you don't want to get up, but you need to get to class." Lainey said. Cassidy groaned and pulled the blanket up higher, tucking it under her chin and snuggling back into Lainey's embrace as the little spoon. Lainey reached over and kissed the back of her neck and then her lips continued forward and met her ear, she kissed her ear and across her cheek and her lips. "Do it before I make you." Lainey softly growled. She reached down and squeezed her ass.

Cassidy smiled and moaned quietly. "Stop it."

"You're going to be late. Get up." She laughed, smacked her ass and ripped the covers off of her. Cassidy groaned louder and finally got up. She changed and moved to the bathroom.

Lainey leaned against the bathroom door frame and watched her. "So... what are we?" She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Lainey." Cassidy smiled as she put her mascara on. "You know we can't be together."

Lainey hugged her from behind and looked at her from the mirror, "who are you wearing make up for?"

"Why? You jealous?" Cassidy laughed, she turned and kissed her.

"Nah, I can do a much better job of pleasing you... and you know it's true." She smirked and looked at Cassidy in the mirror.

Cassidy rolled her eyes and left the bathroom, "I'm going to be late." She smiled softly, passing by Lainey in the doorway.


Once at school, Cassidy rushed down the hall towards her class. It had already started. She opened the door and everyone looked over at her, including Michael who rolled his eyes, "So nice of you to join us." He said, crossing his arms on his chest and cocking his eyebrow. Cassidy sheepishly walked to her chair and took a seat, pulling out her book, she scanned for the chapter they were on.

At the end of class, everyone began to pack up and Michael looked up at Cassidy in the rows of desks. "Cassidy. I'd like to see you in my office after you're done." He said as he walked into his office and cracked the door shut.

Cassidy rolled her eyes annoyed and packed up the rest of her belongings. She pulled her skirt down around her knees as it shrunk slightly from being washed in the hot water, the skirt was about upper thigh instead of mid-thigh. Cassidy waltzed into the office, knocking on the door and inching the door open to see him.

"Come on in." He said sitting in his chair, chewing on his pen. "Shut the door behind you."

Cassidy entered the room and shut the door behind her, taking a step-in front of his desk, she looked up innocently.

"Do you care about your position in this school?" Michael looked up at her, "because if you don't pass this class, they will take away your position and give it to someone more deserving." Cassidy looked down at her hands, she was upset, it wasn't that she wanted to fail or didn't care, she just couldn't do the class, it was so harsh. The lessons, the work, the homework, home life, her past conflicting her present. "It looks bad on me too and that is just unacceptable."

"You're unacceptable..." Cassidy said, walking around from the side of the Mr. Calvin's desk.

"Excuse me?" He said, slightly offended.

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