Chapter 11

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Hello my lovelies🥹😊💕

I have to put a warning up before the entire chapter plays out, there is a scene that may be a little uncomfortable to read, it involves SA so if this is something that you don't like to read about/see then please don't read it. I will put something up before and after the scene so you know, I love you so much and thank you for your understanding. I only write irl, so these things happen and are rarely spoken about. Including these pieces in my writing are not for entertainment or fetishes, they are for activism, awareness, and prevention💚💚💚

Onward with the story!



Cassidy sat on a barstool sipping on her Long Island iced tea. The club was busy, busy enough to be uncomfortable. Men were dancing with women and women grinding on men. She flinched partially when someone sat next to her. He flagged down a bartender and asked for a whiskey. Out of the corner of her eye she could make out a chiseled jaw prickled in facial scruff. The type that tickles you when you kiss them. She could make out a thin set of lips and even higher a dark brown and mesmerizing set of eyes staring back at her. Her eyes darted away and as he reached for his drink, he continued to look at her and then smirked as he took a sip from his drink, and she went back to the last of her drink.

"What were you having, and how do you like it?" He smiled and she looked up at him completely.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, his question sounded personal; mostly sexual, but it may have been because she was buzzed.

"What do you drink? Do you like it hard?" He asked, raising his brow and lowering his already intimidating voice into a near growl.

She chuckled and blushed, it still sounded sexual as far as she could tell. "Long Island." She figured he meant the drink she had just finished off.

"Bartender, get this beauty a Long Island." He smiled and the bartender nodded back in response. "And put it on my tab."


They both talked a little as she drank her next drink. "I'm not really from here, I'm from Germany, came here 4 years ago." He smiled. "Adam, and you?" He responded after a short silence, as if Cassidy wasn't quick enough to ask for his name.

"I'm not from Germany, but my name is Cassidy." She smiled back, biting her straw.

He smiled and threw his hand through his blonde hair. He was staring at her very intently, it was attractive, his demeanor still intimidating, but sometimes it was a handsome thing. The two of them continued to drink glass after glass of the same drink, before they knew it, they were drunk enough to start asking dumb questions.

"Well my father wasn't a Nazi, and my grandfather wasn't either." Adam chuckled at Cassidy's dumb drunk question, "I'm just German, no Nazi." Cassidy laughed hard; she was on her 4th Long Island iced tea. "You're so beautiful."

Cassidys smile quickly faded out as she stopped when he said that last bit. "I feel guilty, I should leave." It happened so quickly, from a great answer to her stupid question straight to a complement and she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Not even Lainey complemented her in words for the last couple months.

Adam cocked his head slightly, he could see something upset her, he was quick to make it up to her, and make the issue right. "What's the matter?"

"I just lost my fiancé, he passed away and I... found out he was cheating and now I'm sitting in a bar where I'm not sure what I'm looking for, maybe a one-night stand? I'll probably regret in the morning, and everyone else looks like they're going to look for a girlfriend or a fucking wife." She sighed and flipped her hair back over her head and out of her face. The room somehow got hotter as she started talking, sweat peaking from her hairline. I shouldn't want to do those things, not here at least. Sorry I wasted your time, have a great rest of your night." Cassidy got up from the barstool, but the song changed and she felt someone grab her arm as she made her way out of the bar.

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