Chapter 12

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Thank you for all your interesting comments as I try to reply to them, you guys are so cute for being so in love with them as I am. The last chapter was a little emotional, it will get better!

Anyways! Enjoy the chapter!!!💕💕



Seeing Cassidy sit there in her thong and bra really got to Lainey. It would've turned her on, but the fact that Cassidy was crying cut it short. She wanted to sit there and watch over her in front of her door. She was raped and that scared Lainey, that she wasn't there and when she was, it was too late. That was the least she could do. Lainey sat on the couch, pulling on her fingers, she waited. She didn't exactly know what she was waiting for, but she needed to stay up, she wouldn't sleep knowing what happened. She could hear Cassidy sobbing from the other room. This was heart wrenching for Lainey, first her dad, then Keith, then the cheating and now this? A girl as kind and as good as Cassidy didn't deserve this hurting. She rubbed her temples and sighed trying hard to stay awake. She had a little too much to drink at the bar and was desperate for some sleep, but she tried her hardest to stay awake.

Just when Lainey felt she had enough of depriving herself of sleep, she wandered back into the hallway, peaking into Cassidy's room. She was curled into a ball and was cooing like a baby in her sleep. Lainey opened her door wider. She needed to show Cassidy she still cares and wants her to feel safe. Besides, they were just friends, she would never make a move after what she just witnessed. She hesitantly and slowly made her way to the bed, careful not to wake or spook Cassidy. She crawled softly under the covers and slowly wrapped her arm around Cassidy, pulling her into Lainey's body to stay warm. Cassidy woke up as soon as Lainey wrapped her arm around her, like from straight out of a nightmare. She jumped, but soon after realized it was Lainey. She allowed it to happened and even relaxed into her on the bed. Lainey instantly was coaxed by the comfortable mattress and sheets into a deep sleep and soon after, Cassidy followed.


Morning rolled around and a fresh pot of coffee could be smelt anywhere in the building. Lainey opened her eyes and rubbed them, the time she fell asleep around maybe 3 or 4am. Lainey jumped up and looked around. Cassidy not in bed. Lainey got up from the bed and out of the bedroom, through the hallway, Cassidy stood there pouring half and half into a cup of coffee and walking it over to Lainey.

"I'm going to run some errands today, so I'll see you at work tonight?" Cassidy said, half smiling at her, handing the coffee cup over to Lainey as she made her way to her. Lainey grabbed the cup of coffee gladly, but she wanted to have a conversation before Cassidy bolted out the door, so she didn't drink it. Lainey held the cup, warming her hands as the scent lulled her halfway out of her sleepy state. She watched as Cassidy darted around the room for her keys, phone, shoes, etc. Cassidy was completely dressed and going out the door like nothing had even happened.

"Cass..." Lainey stopped, so did Cassidy on her way out the door. "We should talk about last night." Lainey said softly, she didn't want to talk about it, and she knew Cassidy didn't want to either, but it was the right thing to do, they needed to talk it through.

"I'm okay, Lainey." Cassidy stood in the door a moment longer before continuing out the door as it shut softly behind her, leaving Lainey in the awkward silence.

Lainey sighed and made her way to the window to see the city, drinking her coffee, which still left her tired by the time she was finished. Cassidy knew that of course, which is why she left the rest of the pot for Lainey.

She wasn't going to sit around all day, she tossed on her blue jeans and her jean jacket and left the apartment. Walking down town she went into the gay bar and took a seat on her favorite barstool.

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