Chapter 13

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I hope you enjoy the chapter😉



They left into Lainey's room, she knew Lainey had talked about Lexi before and she was sure that they were indeed just friends. Not to mention the moment she and Lainey had last night where they slept in each other's arms. Cassidy was convinced they had a moment of breakthrough, there would be no way that after that, she would go be with someone else.

Cassidy was wrong however, she sat there reading her book after she finished eating. From over the pages and down the hallway, she could hear quiet talking, almost like moans.

Cassidy tried to ignore it, to avoid being nosy, she dove back into her book, hearing the moaning grow louder and more obvious. She could have sworn it was Lainey, but she never knew what Lainey sounded like. She obviously never would either. She ignored it, but the thoughts burned at the back of her mind. A good friend. "Pftt." She shook her head. If Lexi was an old good friend, then what would that make Cassidy. Not to mention, who visits their good friend looking like that. Cassidy shook her head again.

Sooner or later she heard, who she was absolutely sure was Lainey at this point climax hard and moan out Lexi's name. She could hear their snickering and giggles, they stayed in each other's company for a while after, probably eating the pizza Lexi brought. Proving that it wasn't just a sexual thing with her, it was emotional too. Cassidy felt so stupid, why would anything she said matter if Lainey just did the opposite. She wanted her to really find someone, but now she really wanted that someone to be her. Oddly enough, she still mourned the relationship she had with Keith and was in the process of healing. She wouldn't be ready for another relationship right then, but if she didn't make a move, Lainey would move on and she would forever lose her chance. Possibly regretting it.

The door cracked open and Lexi wandered out, her skirt was crumpled and her hair was messy. She pulled her skirt down and said goodbye to Lainey. She awkwardly looked up to see Cassidy still on the couch.

"It was nice to meet you." She said with a slightly awkward smile before she left.

Cassidy rolled her eyes and got up from the couch. She tossed her book down in the table and her glasses on top. Making her way down the hallway and to the left, the door was open and she walked in through the frame. She seen Lainey, still shirtless at her mirror. Cassidy blushed and looked away shamefully.

"Oh, shit. Cassidy. You scared me." She chuckled finally putting her shirt down. She looked still upset for someone who just orgasmed.

"And you feel good about doing that?" She asked, leaning against the frame, watching Lainey's moves.

"What's it to you?" Lainey laughed sitting on the bed near her in the doorway.

"I just want you to be with someone fully that cares about you and I care about you. All these hit it and quit it girls aren't worth it." Cassidy shook her head.

Lainey looked at her confused at how she answered back, not sure if she were joking or not. She was obviously deeply in her head while they talked. They stared at each other a moment before Lainey looked away.

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