Chapter 6

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Thanks for dealing with Keith's POV I know it was rough🥴 but now back to your regular scheduled program🏳️‍🌈


After doing loads of research on Cassidy, Lainey felt like she needed to hear it all from her mouth. She grabbed her backpack, hopped on her skateboard and headed downtown. Cars bustled passed her in the street, but she jammed to her favorite music and she could hardly hear them. She stopped in front of the building that she had remembered the look of.

The door swung open as a lady and her dog came out and Lainey caught the door last minute, coming inside the tall building and heading for the elevator. Floor 28. The elevator started upwards and Lainey looked at her reflection in the metal doors. She didn't know how she got passed the front desk looking as awful as she did. She took out her messy bun and let her flawless curls fall to her shoulders as she ran her fingers through her short curly hair. It still smelt like her shampoo and conditioner. She sighed as she took the fresh scent in. The elevator doors finally opened after a long time and Lainey headed down the hall to Cassidy's apartment. There were only 6 doors in the hall because the farther you went up, the bigger the rooms were. She smiled and sighed, raising her fist to knock on the door. There was a long moment of silence before she opened the door; with pants on.

"Lainey?" She asked surprised, she still looked good with pants on in her opinion.

"I thought we already went over this? I work for your favorite restaurant." She smiled. "Can I come in? If you have company, I totally understand." Cassidy looked her up and down and opened the door wider for her to come in. Lainey smiled and maneuvered her way inside, looking first into the kitchen, remembering Cassidy without pants on and it made her begin to blush.

"You're not exactly wearing your uniform. I'm supposed to just let a stranger in?" She smiled.

"Come on! We're friends, right? At least that's why you opened the door right?" Lainey smirked at her before plopping down on the couch. "Besides I could hear the sobbing from the end of the hall, it sounded like someone very lonely watching the Bachelor." Lainey smiled more after her own stupid joke and Cassidy snatched the remote back from her. Taking a spot on the opposite side of the couch.

"I'm not lonely. I've been alone most of my life, why would it change anything now. My boyfriend is hardly home enough to see who I am as a person." Cassidy rolled her eyes and changed the channel, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Well, it's hard to see past someone who doesn't wear pants in the morning with a partially see through top. You know, that kind of stuff throws people off." Lainey smirked.

Cassidy tried to hide her smile and blush and she shoved Lainey with her foot in disagreement. "Shut up, Lainey." Cassidy smiled behind her lips, almost a blush but Lainey wasn't too sure of it as she also shook her head chuckling.

"Hey! If you got it, flaunt it." She smiled one last time before sinking into the comfortable couch in Cassidy's slightly larger than normal San Francisco living room. Come to think of it, after really getting a look around the area of the living room, the whole apartment seemed a bit too luxurious for her. "What do you do besides waitressing?"

"Nothing. Just waitressing." Cassidy smiled and looked back at her from the TV.

"I was just wanting to know how you can afford this place with the salary you make... is it haunted or something?" Lainey smiled in awe, looking around and then meeting Cassidy's eyes.

"Oh, it's not my place, it's my boyfriend's. I'm just here to take care of it when he's gone. In other words; I live here when it feels like he doesn't." She laughed at her own corny joke and it made Lainey slightly cringe. Was this how annoying she was herself, laughing at her own jokes? Lainey shared a fake chuckle.

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