Chapter 9

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I just wanted to clarify for anyone wondering that Cassidy sounds a little "homophobic" in terms of not accepting bisexuality and instead swearing off her questioning sexuality. This has everything to do with a similar problem I went through and probably most of others in the LGBTQ. When we first came out vs. when you have been out, you don't know that there are different sexualities and when you have been sheltered from the LGBTQ+ to where you know nothing about, it can be quite confusing and frustrating. I hope you all feel free to "change the label" of your sexuality after research, because you didn't properly know what it was called. Also always remember that sexuality ≠ gender, so yes, you can have someone who is trans but still gay💚

Comment your story or any advice about this if you have had a similar experience. We need answers for our dearest questioning friends💕✊🏼😭




The next shift Lainey and Cassidy had at the diner was crazy. There was a sports banquet party and their usual Sunday night church goers. Lainey covered at least 10 tables, while Cassidy stuck to the rules and covered a max of a couple tables at a time. Lainey stopped by the kitchen window, waiting for her table's plate. She sighed and rubbed her temples, fighting back the tears, she was so tired and could not wait to lay down under her covers and pass out hard. The costumers were getting crankier and more impatient by the second. Lainey simply couldn't fight it and the tears streamed out. It was obvious Lainey was in mid-thought because she had slown down a bit. It wasn't till Cassidy came behind the counter that she had snapped out of it.

"Lainey, go on your thirty." Cassidy said, coming to the window and picking up the plate belonging to Lainey's table.

"I can't, you're going to need me to get all these tables cleared." Lainey sighed reaching for the plate that Cassidy had, attempting to keep up, she could do this, she just needed a minute to breath and think first.

"I don't need you Lainey, I'm more than capable. Go." She made her way back to grab another one of Lainey's table's plates to take it out to hangry customers.

Lainey paced outside the restaurant on the smallest curb of San Francisco, rummaging through her pockets for a lighter. She eventually lit the cigarette shakily and sat down against the wall on the curb. Lainey sighed without hesitation as she blew the smoke out.

"I'm going to have to start limiting you on those." Cassidy smiled leaning against the back door; she was always to quiet. Lainey shook impatiently as she took another long drag. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Cassidy, I don't need you either." Lainey scoffed in a laugh and took another fairly long drag. How Cassidy managed to serve all their tables and have enough time to slip out on a ten was beyond her. 

Cassidy walked over to Lainey, taking a seat next to her on the curb, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that, you know what I meant." Lainey shook her head in an angrily confused look. "What's wrong with you?"

Lainey laughed and looked up at her. Lainey's cheeks were red and her eyes were moving and blinking slowly. "Nothing is wrong with me, perfect little Cassidy." She chuckled even more, along with a shiver, clenching her coat closer to her skin.

"Are you drunk?" Cassidy said as she looked passed Lainey to see an open and empty bottle of fireball laying in the gutter near Lainey. Lainey didn't even answer the question, she only laughed. "Lainey, look at me. This isn't a fucking joke." Lainey looked up at her shocked. Something about Cassidy taking the initiative on something over her control turned her on. Lainey smirked and looked away from her quickly, and blushing. "I'm talking to you, are you even listening?" Cassidy asked angrily.

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