Chapter 26

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I've had so many requests... and you know I love y'all, so just trust me on this one😉🥵 ENJOY YOU LOVELIES❤️‍🔥



~ June 12th, 2022 ~

It was almost 4 years to the day Lainey was shot. Cassidy dragged herself out of bed, today was her wedding day, she needed to feel happy today, and if not for herself, then for Alaina.

"Mommy?" A wide blue-eyed little girl came around the corner of her room. Of course, the door was left opened she shook her head with a smile, she couldn't believe she was marrying somebody so impulsive; her past lovers would be so proud of how someone could be worse than them.

She quickly slipped a pair of pants on over her soft, freshly shaven legs. "Yes darling, I'm almost done, can you wait for me on the couch?" She smiled, struggling with a smile to get her pants on.

She could hear the fast pitter-patter of little feet on the wood floors down the hall, out into the living room and then a flop on the couch. Cassidy smiled to herself. Her daughter was a gift from god, a spoiled one at that. If Michael didn't get her pregnant the first time they had sex, it may have been the second time... or the third time. After Lainey spent 2 years on life support, she needed someone to confide in, someone to talk to, her person of choice was Michael. He always knew the words to say to make her happy, and also to get her into bed. Their daughter looked just like him. At first, Michael wasn't down to have a 5th kid with someone half his age; understandable. He said his kids would never forgive him. Cassidy understood that, which is why she has full custody of her daughter and is raising her with her soon to be wife and Michael is just good old uncle Michael. One day they would tell her, but she was only 3 now, she would be okay not knowing until she was older, when she could actually understand it all.

Cassidy began doing her essentials to her morning routine, obviously the makeup and hair crew; otherwise known as her best friends, would do much of everything for her. Cassidy brushed her teeth, took a shower and brushed her hair thoroughly. Her head was pounding so hard from the bachelorette party the night before, she threw back a couple aspirin. It wasn't the first time, nor the second she went without seeing the woman she was marrying today overnight. She missed her fiancé even more. She practically skipped out to the living room, hair wet, two Aspirin in her system and a shot of brandy to wash them down. Today she was supposed to be happy, no matter how happy she didn't feel in that moment. Today was the exact day of that shooting at the diner, just four years ago. It traumatized her so much. She grabbed Alaina off the couch and swung her up into a tight hug. Alaina squealed and her giggles filled the once again empty apartment. It brought a wide smile to both their faces. Cassidy flopped back on the couch and turned the TV on for the Sunday cartoons.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to cook up some breakfast," Cassidy whispered in her ear and planted a kiss on her little head. "Pancakes sound good to you, baby girl?" She said louder now as she walked towards the kitchen.

"O'tay." She said lightly, definitely out of it, all her attention on the TV, it was Sunday cartoons!

Cassidy smiled, she needed this little blessing in disguise, especially when Lainey was on her death bed. Her daughter taught Cassidy how to be strong, because even on the days she didn't feel that strong and wise and beautiful, she needed to be strong for her daughter, and that's all that mattered. In return, her daughter powered her through everything she did.

Cassidy was cooking pancakes for breakfast when a door opened and someone waltzed up to her. "Mmm, is that for me?" Evan asked

"If you can do my hair and makeup while standing here." Cassidy smiled before setting the spatula down and giving her best friend a big hug.

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