Chapter 10

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"So, you did exactly what everyone, including myself told you not to do?" Mickey shook his head disapprovingly. Going back to his daily duties of keeping up with a full-time owner of a business. When he should be retired and living his best life under the Florida sun or somewhere else nice.

"God, but it was so worth it, Mickey. Have you ever just kissed someone before and felt like you were melting? Have you ever felt on top of the world before? Like you were kissing an angel with how soft their lips were? Only if she felt the same way." Lainey laid her cheek on her fist that was propped up by the counter top. She looked at Mickey who despite smiling was still shaking his head.

"You really like her, don't you?" Mickey smiled sadly back at a daydreaming Lainey.

"With everything in me. Everything that told me not to go for it with her has just completely vanished, I can find a job anywhere, but who she is and what she is, that's so incredibly rare. Every night I just wish I could change her mind, but there's just no possible way... she's just too straight." Lainey shook her head with an uneventful smile and drank from her cup of coffee.

"Didn't you say the same thing about that Jess girl? Look where you are now, Lane." Mickey went back to cooking as an old couple came in and sat down at a booth. "Don't fuck up again like this, get out there and find someone else." He turned to the couple and smiled brightly, "Welcome to Mickey's Diner, I am Mickey. What can I do for you?"


Lainey walked into the bar she once used to call her second home. Jess and Jack obviously weren't there anymore, Jack moved to Colorado following the accident. She couldn't help but stare at the barstool she practically dominated Jess on, and smile sadly. She wanted, no needed. She needed to start fresh. Lainey took a seat on the barstool away from the memorable one as she scoped out the crowd on the dance floor. This club was probably one of the hottest in San Francisco after it's dazzling and neon makeover/relaunch. They really did a number on the old bar, but of course, it managed to keep its rainbow pride.

"Hey," a random brunette smiled at Lainey and walked towards her. "Haven't seen you here before." She smirked, standing off to the side, watching the crowd with Lainey. The girl was probably trying to see who Lainey was trying to scope out, maybe looking for a second member to the party of one Lainey was holding.

Lainey smirked back; it was the basic language of flirting. "I'm Lane, what about you?" She was partially right. Only family or professionals called her Lainey. She just couldn't decide which one it was for Cassidy. Why was Cassidy on her mind when there was a perfectly beautiful girl standing in her midst interested in her.

The girl smiled and caressed Lainey's shirt collar as she chewed on the straw to her fruity drink. "Delilah," she smiled again.

Lainey looked over at the girl, wasting no time from the bar stool to her feet, Lainey hadn't even ordered a drink yet, today must've been her lucky day. It's not like she needed to be drunk to sleep around. It was her favorite past time before she followed Jess around. "Do you..." Lainey stopped and looked down at her shoes, biting her lip, then looking back up at the beautiful girl standing in front of her, "maybe want to get out of here? Find a place quieter?" Lainey cocked her brow curiously. Her hands sliding into her pockets, striking her flex move and smiling with a soft chuckle. All the girls told Lainey she had charm.

"Don't mind if I do." Delilah cocked her brow and smiled back, admiring Lainey's body.


The front door slammed open and Delilah giggled as Lainey kissed her hard and moved her inside the apartment. Lainey tossed her keys on the countertop and went back to kissing her. Delilah moaned and then continued to giggle as her back hit the wall, her breath hitching as it hit. Lainey kissed her harder and felt her up, sliding her hips up the wall and Delilah's legs wrapped around Lainey's waist. Lainey smiled and swiftly carried her down the hall and to her room. The door being locked, Lainey let go of her to unlock it and pushed her against the door with a soft hold against her neck. Lainey pushed the door open and shoved Delilah through it, taking her belt off and whipping Delilah's thigh with it. She shut the door and from the inside. The events occurring afterwards were unimaginable.

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