Chapter 25

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This chapter is a little emotional, so fair warning lol, but it is what you want to hear this far into the book. I love you guys! Thank you! Enjoy💕💕💕



Lainey woke up at 9am. She looked on the other pillow next to her. Jess lay under the covers; they were pulled up to her chin and she looked warm and fast asleep. Lainey was afraid to wake her up and tell her what happened, tell her what was going to happen. Lainey just laid there next to her, watching her sleep. She had to tell her, she needed to tell her that she was leaving her for Cassidy and the decision was final.

11am rolled around and Jess stirred awake. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at Lainey with a smile. "Good morning." She said as she stretched her arms up and then jumped up to get ready. Lainey had to chase after her to catch her attention. Into the bathroom, then into the bedroom, then into the kitchen then to the front door, Lainey followed her like a lost puppy.

"Was there something you wanted to tell me?" Jess asked noticing Lainey following her.

"We need to talk... but I want to sit down with you first." Lainey said. Obviously, the sound of her voice explained it all and Jess followed her hesitantly to sit on the couch. Lainey wanted everything in that moment to distract her, the remote, the book and reading glasses, the clock; 11:07am and they did, but not for long enough. "Jess. I love you with every inch of my heart, but when I thought it was really true, when you weren't coming back, I moved on... I met Cassidy and I don't know how I could live without her; she means so much to me. It's not fair to keep you here like this, I'm not faithful to you, you deserve better." Lainey was interrupted.

"Just spit it out." Jess sat there; she was so impatient at times. Lainey hated that little piece of her.

Lainey tried not to cry. It was like saying goodbye to her all over again and she couldn't help but remember that day. Lainey looked back at the book and the reading glasses and then back at the clock; 11:09am. "I love her, Jess. I'm sorry I can't be with you anymore." Her voice cracked when she said it, she was so distraught thinking about it she tossed and turned and hardly slept the night before. Jess stood up and went into the bedroom. Lainey sat there emotionless, she felt bad, but it was what she needed to do. Cassidy and Lainey both loved each other, they just had to say it now and mean it. Jess came out of the bedroom with her duffel bag and all of her belongings she had gotten from Lainey and San Francisco in general.

She came up to Lainey and kissed her cheek. "Call me when you change your mind." She said, turning and walking toward the door. "I will always love you, Laney-baby."

Lainey watched as she turned and walked towards the door, she bit her lip. "I won't." She said confidently, without hesitation and watched as Jess stopped shortly after, but after a little bit, she continued towards the door quickly and slammed it shut behind her. Lainey felt so free and full of life. She needed to tell Cassidy how she truly felt, she could almost hear her now, 'was that one a keeper?'

Lainey came back from the store with roses. She began plucking the petals off and leading a trail from the front door to Cassidy's bedroom. Saving a single rose, she tied a note to it. "Cassidy, meet me at work, I need to make this right. I love you." Lainey got dressed for work and left the apartment.


She arrived at work and started on the floor. She took orders until it was 12:30. Cassidy started at 1. Lainey was nervous, would she show up after she found the note or would she come straight to work. Cassidy walked through the front door at work and went straight to the back. Lainey excused herself quickly from the table and followed her. Cassidy sat in the back and Lainey rounded the corner with a purpose. They came face to face once in the same room.

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