Chapter 14

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Anyways! Read on!💕✊🏼



She watched Cassidy get closer to the man at the diner booth table and smile so brightly when she looked up at him. They had been talking for a while, she was smiling more than she had been the entire week. He slightly intimidated Lainey, but only because he made Cassidy happier in that moment than she ever could. Lainey went outside and sat on the curb for her 10. She lit a cigarette and leaned back on the wall, blowing it out with a hard-relaxing sigh. The past few days had been so rough and she couldn't even talk about it with anyone.

Lainey's phone rang and she hurried to answer it so it didn't wake up her father, fumbling with it, she pressed answer.

"Hello?" She slightly whispered, yet it still sounded too loud.

"Lainey?" A familiar, but hoarse voice called out on the other side of the phone. Someone, whoever it was, was clearly distressed.

"Who's this?" Lainey asked, sitting down on the bed softly.

"It's Lilly, could you meet us at the North Vista Hospital in Las Vegas? Jess got hurt, we all did, but Jess is hurt bad... you need to get here soon." Jess's sister said before she hung up quickly.

Lainey got up and hesitated. Hurt? How hurt? What happened? How the hell was she going to get to Las Vegas? Lainey changed quickly, but quietly as possible. The entire time, she wondered how she could possibly get from San Francisco to Las Vegas like that. It's impossible on skate board, but better than on foot. As Lainey snuck into her father's room, the clock on the table beside him read 11pm. She swiftly tip-toed to the bedside table, picking up his keys. They jangled and her father rolled over in bed to face the other direction. Lainey's heart was pounding and it seemed like time had stopped as she waited for him to grab her and scream at her, but he didn't, and time didn't stop either. She ran out and hopped into the 1998 Honda Civic and got on the road to Las Vegas, the clock read 11:15pm.

"Lainey, your break is over." Mike came out and nudged her out of her head. There were 3 cigarettes under her and she threw the 4th down, smashing it against the concrete with her shoe, she quickly made her way inside the diner, washed her hands, and got back to work.

Cassidy was still sitting at the booth table smiling at this older guy across from her. Their water cups were empty and she went over to fill them. Cassidy was talking about college and Lainey felt a little upset. They were friends and she'd never once heard Cassidy mention college, she figured this was it for her, she would be a manager or waitress for her actual job. Maybe she didn't know mysterious Cassidy as much as she thought she did. Who was this guy, and why was she telling him things she's never told Lainey? Lainey filled up the water cups and asked if there was anything else, she could do.

Lainey left the table after the slightest reply from Cassidy... she missed her voice, but every time she heard her or saw her, she could only think of Jess. She went back beyond the kitchen into the break room to sit down, she was definitely distraught with her emotions and the things in her head. Memories playing over and over again, she really couldn't take it. The clock read 3:00am and Lainey did her cleaning as quick and correctly as possible, then she went home.

She cleaned the living room up and laid two wine glasses out with a bottle of wine she picked up recently. She poured her own glass and then began pouring the second one when the door clicked open.

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