Chapter 8

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Blah blah blah, they live together🤪 READY FOR EVEN MORE CRAZY STUFF? keep reading. HA I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!!!



Just as fast as boxes went out, boxes came back in. Crappy handwriting for words like "bedroom" and "bathroom" written across the side. Cassidy was feeling anxious, and still slightly mad and upset. She was all over the place and had to sit down a couple of times throughout the day while they packed up Keith's things.

"Lainey..." Cassidy called out to her. "I don't know if we should do this. It wouldn't be right to Keith for me to let someone in so quickly." She started blankly at the void

Lainey looked up at her from opening a box. "What do you mean let someone in? We're just friends, right?" Lainey shrugged her shoulders.

Cassidy blabbered on, making it seem like she was avoiding the question. Which she partially was. "... I don't even know if I should go to the funeral or not... for fucks sake, he cheated on me..." she continued to blabber on.

Lainey walked towards her new roommate and tried to comfort her, "Cass. Just calm down."

"And if I see his mother? She didn't know he saw other people. It would break her!" Cassidy jumped up and began to pace back and forth in front of the couch for comfort. If she was too anxious and she would have an anxiety attack, if she wasn't already.

"Cassidy, stop." Lainey grabbed Cassidy's arm only for her to yank it away.

"Do you think that she'd be mad at me for letting him somehow escape to Bora Bora without me even knowing it?" Cassidy threw her hands to her forehead and rubbed her hair back, her sweat slicking it back behind her. "Do you think-"

Lainey shoved her lips on to Cassidy's to shut her up. It happened so fast, Cassidy was left paralyzed because she was so surprised, her hands out in front of her to push Lainey off, but the kiss was so passionate, so meaningful. Like it wasn't just to shut her up. Cassidy let her guard down and for that she was grateful, she relaxed her defensive arms down on Lainey's shoulders. She hoped Keith could see it, she hoped he was mad she let someone else in so quickly, she no longer cared anymore.

Cassidy closed her eyes and melted in Lainey's arms. So protected and warm, she let Lainey kiss her back and Lainey pulled her closer, as Cassidy accepted it. Lainey pushed her back on the couch and her kiss got harder, she wanted something to happen, she's been waiting for something to happen like this. Ever since the day Lainey talked back at her at their dinner, but she wasn't into girls who smirked or girls who would get her in trouble. She wasn't into girls at all. Definitely not... but Lainey was just so entirely different.

"You good?" Lainey asked.

"Huh? Oh... yeah, I'm okay." Cassidy smiled slightly, snapping out of her trance.

She had fallen back onto the couch and nearly passed out. Lainey stood in front of her to check and see if she truly was okay. Cassidy blushed, Lainey looked concerned and she was a little too close, the back of her hand feeling Cassidy's forehead.

"You sure you're feeling good? You look a little rosy." Lainey held her hand to Cassidy's forehead, feeling the heat radiate off of her.

"Laney, I'm fine." She smiled and pulled Lainey's hand down away from her face. "Let's go and unpack your crap." She joked and got up, leading Lainey towards her own bedroom and getting started unboxing her belongings.

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