~Chapter 18~

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You slowly swayed to the soft music as the warm lights danced across his features. His hands were wrapped around your waist and your hands around his neck while your fingers played with his short curls. The dance hall was full of people but to you it felt like it was just the two of you and like there was nobody else in the world but him. You looked into his enchanting blue eyes as his show-stopping smile never left his face at the sight of you. Suddenly, he started spinning you around and you chuckled at his actions before he pulled you back into his arms. You rested your head on his chest and you closed your eyes at the feeling of hearing his heartbeat close to you. A few seconds later you looked up and smiled up at him. He smiled back while caressing your cheek with his thumb. You leaned into his warm touch as you looked up at him through your eyelashes, completely absorbed in the moment.

"I want to stay like this forever." you said softly in almost a whisper.

"There's nothing stopping us now, doll." he said, returning the gentle tone. "The war is over, y/n, we can go home." something in his words sparked a strange feeling within you, like something wasn't right, but you were too hypnotized by him to care about anything else, and you gave into him.

"I adore you." you said before bringing your hand to his cheek to pull him down for a kiss. He gladly returned the kiss as your lips moved in perfect sync. Your hands tangled in his hair and his hands were tightly wrapped around your waist as he pulled you even closer to him, trying to close any remaining space between your bodies. Suddenly, he broke the kiss. You tried to catch your breath before looking at him to find a distressed look on his face and his eyes completely lost in the distance. Worry washed over you, not understanding what was going on.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked. Before he had a chance to answer, the ground and the walls started to tremble around you. You let go of him in shock. Seconds later, the world around you started crumbling down. The walls of the dance hall started to come crashing down, revealing mountains full of snow. You were no longer at the dance hall, and those mountains looked awfully familiar to you. The floor started shaking aggressively beneath you, and it soon came crashing down too. Before you could process what was going on, the ground underneath him broke, making him fall into the abyss of the snowy mountains. You quickly reacted to this, trying to catch his hand before he fell, but you were too late.



Your eyes snap open as you try to catch your breath. Your head was spinning and you felt like your chest was being crushed, making it hard for you to breathe properly. Once your breathing starts gaining a steady rhythm once again, you become more aware of your surroundings. You were on a bed and as you analyze the room around you, a million questions flood your brain as you remember where you had just been. You crashed at the Arctic along with Steve, you were supposed to be dead, so where the hell are you? Could you have possibly survived? If you did, does that mean Stark and his team found you and brought you here? Your questions are interrupted when you start hearing voices coming from a radio. You take the covers off of you, and you see you're wearing beige cargo pants and a white tank top with the SSR logo on it. You start listening closely to what they're saying on the radio.

"The Dodgers take the lead, 8-4. Oh, Dodgers! Everyone is on their feet. What a game we have here today, folks. What a game indeed." the man says. This makes you realize something, you've been to that game. You went with Bucky and Steve back in 1941, so why the hell is it on the radio right now? You knew something was off, something felt very wrong. You wanted to find out what, so you stand up from your bed but the second you do, a nurse enters the room. You look at her, and you get that feeling again. Something about her felt strange. At first glance she would look completely normal to you, but the more you looked at her, the more odd details you found.

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