~Chapter 35~

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"Is he awake yet?" Steve asks when you walk towards him without meeting your gaze as his eyes are lost in the distance.

"Nope, still passed out." you say as you stand next to him, both of you leaning against the old metal wall. After a lot of blood and sweat, you managed to get away from the UN bunker without being caught and found an old abandoned warehouse where you could lay low for now. At least until Bucky woke up and you could get some answers.
After helping Sam stick Bucky's metal arm between a large metal clamp, you decided to walk around the warehouse and take some time alone to clear your thoughts while Sam watched over Bucky.
Your mind was still trying to understand the mystery interrogator's motives for causing all that chaos. He wanted Bucky to get out. He wanted there to be a fight, just so he could create chaos and feud. But why? Nothing made sense yet. You just had to wait for Bucky to wake up so he could tell you about what that man asked him. After a long while of wracking your brain trying to come up with an answer unsuccessfully, you decided to check on Steve, which is where you are right now.

"Steve?" you ask breaking the long silence, and he hums questioningly. "I want to apologize."

"You already have, y/n." Steve says without looking at you.

"No I- I know. But there's more." you say shaking your head, finally catching Steve's attention when he looks at you. "I've been so caught up in my own head dwelling over how all of this is affecting me, that I haven't stopped to think how it might be affecting you."

"Well, he was your boyfriend. You loved each other. You already had a lot on your plate to worry about me too." Steve says with a hint of a smirk.

"Steve, he was your best friend too. And I know you loved him, and he loved you too. You've been by each other's side since you were kids. I just want to make sure you're okay." you sigh. "Because I know you, and you're way too good at hiding your emotions, but I can still notice when you're hurting. I'm just sorry I didn't notice sooner." you look down.

"Hey. We've both been distant, and I don't blame you. There's nothing to apologize for." Steve says sincerely. "Not even for the fact that you didn't tell me you found Bucky."

"That's unforgivable, Steve." you say lowly.

"It isn't." Steve says. "Look, as much as I didn't like it, I understand why you did it. You didn't do it for you, you did it for Bucky. That's what matters." he says, and you smile softly at him, starting to feel closer to your best friend once again. Suddenly, Sam runs up to the two of you.

"Hey, guys." he says catching his breath as he stops in front of you. "The big guy's up." With that, the three of you run through the dirty warehouse to where Bucky was.

Once you get there, you slowly enter the old area with Steve and Sam behind you. You find Bucky with his head hung low, hair falling over his features, before he slowly looks up to his left and finds his metal arm trapped. He groans softly as he tries to sit up properly, his trapped arm stopping him to do so. He finally looks up and sees the three of you staring at him.

"Y/n, Steve." he says.

"Which Bucky are we talking to?" Steve asks. Bucky takes a few seconds before speaking up again.

"Your mom's name was Sarah." Bucky says. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." he chuckles at the memory before he lifts his head and his eyes land on you, who's gaze is trapped in his. "And you... I remember you loved the rain... so much. You didn't care if you got a cold the next day, you would spend your whole life dancing in it." he says with a soft and tired smile, making you smile softly as well, not being able to take your eyes off of him.

"Can't read all that in a museum." Steve says with the same hypnotized look on his face as you.

"Just like that we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asks, making Bucky's soft smile disappear instantly.

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