~Chapter 21~

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A/N: This chapter's long whoops.... also I just watched Far From Home and OMG IT WAS AMAZING, anyone wanna talk about it?

One year later...

You were in an undercover mission in Russia with Natasha and things were going perfectly according to plan until Natasha got captured by Luchkov. You were able to escape without being seen but Natasha didn't have the same luck. Once you're finally in a safe position, you realize Natasha isn't with you and that's when you start getting worried.

"Nat, do you copy?" you ask through the coms. "Natasha? I repeat, Agent Romanoff, do you copy?" you try again but still get no answer. "Dammit." you mumble as you look around your surroundings trying to come up with a plan to get her back. Before you're able to do anything else, a new voice coming from your coms interrupts your thoughts.

"Captain y/l/n." the familiar voice says.

"Agent Coulson!" you say relieved. "Natasha's been cap-"

"I know." he cuts you off. "We need you to come in."

"Are you kidding? We're working." you say. "Besides, I need to figure out a way to find her."

"She's got it under control." Coulson says. "And this takes precedence."

"What does?"

"I'll explain everything once you two are back." he says. "Okay, now do as I say."

"Don't forget who the Captain is, Coulson." you tease, and you know he's smiling. You two had developed a friendship throughout this year since he was one of the closest people to you that helped you adapt to the 21st century.

"She's on the third floor." Coulson says. "Go there but keep your distance once you see Romanoff. We have a plan to get her out of there and you won't need to step in, she'll be able to handle them easily."

"Of course she will." you say. "She's not in any real danger, is she?"

"Not at all. You know her tactic, she's pretending to be weak." he says and you chuckle. That was her go-to move when going undercover.

"Alright, heading there now. Thanks, Phil." you say and you start heading towards the third floor of the building with your gun ready to use if needed. You easily sneak through the building until you finally see Natasha. She's strapped to a chair and there are three men questioning her. You're about to step in when one of the men pushes her chair back, tilting it over the edge; but you stay in position, knowing you could trust Coulson's words.

A few minutes later, Natasha has knocked every man down and that's when you finally step out of your hiding spot.

"Were you gonna help or were you just gonna keep watching?" Natasha asks once she sees you while picking up her heels from the floor.

"Didn't seem like you needed much help." you say, and she smiles before taking the phone again.

"Coulson, where's Barton now?" she asks.

"We don't know." Coulson answers even though you can't hear him.

"But he's alive." Natasha says and that's what gets your full attention. You knew Clint Barton was another of SHIELD's best agents, and you knew he and Natasha worked together before. She never opened up about him and tried to keep things strictly professional if he ever came up in a conversation, but you could see right through her. He was important to her even if she didn't admit it.

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy." Coulson says.

"Coulson, you know that Stark only trusts me about as far as he can throw me." she says.

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