Chapter 5

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Skylar's POV

Holy crap. I did it, I sealed a deal with the supposed devil. He looks happy, giddy even at the moment. I'm just some girl from off the street who's anything but close to even decent looking, what does he have to be happy about?

"Well, Love," he begins as he slides off of his desk and over to me once again. He lends out a hand while staring down at me with pure content on his striking face. I hesitantly take his hand, but when I do, he whisks me out of the chair and on to my feet.

"I will see you later.." he says, his face now merely an inch or two from mine. For a moment, I am certain he's going to kiss me, but he simply smirks and rises back to his level.

"See you," I reply then head out the door hurriedly.

Oh, Good God, what did I just do? I've only been here a day and some how, out of luck I suppose, the Russian mafia leader has already convinced me to sleep with him! ME! I've never had a intimate relationship or have had sex with anyone in my entire life. For most of my being here on this earth, I've had to try and survive out on the streets of France with the sadness of being hungry and my family's death weighing me down every second of it. I never had a chance to do anything any teenager would do.

After many hallways and lots of searching, I finally end up back at the maid's quarters. Surprisingly enough, there are already boxes being hauled into the foyer and people are buzzing around in excitement.

As I start towards my room, the door suddenly flies open and overly-happy girl comes out squealing. "Christy! I cannot believe we're finally leaving this place!!" she squeals some more all while shaking the girl's name who is apparently 'Christy' with excitement.

Christy squeals back with a big grin on her face. "I know right!? Who knew the ugly little homeless girl could do so much for us?" she replies. "Ah, forget 'little', we are WAY skinnier than her!"

The two smile once again then scurry off to some other maids who are chatting while they pack.

I sigh wearily as I feel the regret of letting them have everything I was given. Well, at least I won't have to share a room with them anymore...

Opening the door to my room slowly, I am firstly met with barreness of the room; their covers are already packed up and so is the makeup that sat on the table under the small mirror. I've only been here a day and I'm awfully glad their leaving!

Since it's been awhile since breakfast, I turn my head towards the clock above the door and check the time: 8:17. I decide that because everyone is busy packing, I'd better start on the cleaning.

I remove my apron from my outfit and place it neatly on the now empty table then head out back into the foyer.

In the foyer, I notice Amelia slowly walking in circles, studying a clipboard all while tapping a pen against her lip in indecisiveness. When I get closer, she notices me and her face lights up in fake excitment. "Skylar!" she cheers and comes towards me with open arms. She embraces me into an awkward hold in which I hesitantly pat her on the back. "Thank you so much for what you've done.." she says with gratefulness filling her eyes. "Now," she begins and drags her pen down the clipboard but then circles the entire thing and signs something at the bottom. "Would you be a dear and complete this list? It would mean the world!"

I force a smile upon my face. "Sure.." I say in uneasion and she hands me the clipboard.

Amelia then scurries off to some other maids who are leaving the foyer, leaving me all alone here with no idea how to do almost everything on this list. On the list, there are somewhere around 20 things to do. The first one says 'laundry duty' and beside is a box saying what I have to do.

"Alright.." I sigh and let the clipboard drop to my side. "Better get at it."




7 hours later...

My hands ache.
My head is throbbing.
My stomach has never felt so empty.
And my feet need to be chopped off.

Never in my right mind would I have expected this job to be as hard as it is. But I suppose it's because there's suppose to be an entire team of maids, but they're all off partying in their new housing space. Let's just hope they've fully moved out by now and I can have some peace and quiet.

I toss the bucket of cleaning supplies I've been using throughout this long day into the closet and quickly shut the door. Then, I slowly drag myself back to my room which is sadly a flight of stairs and 5 long hallways away.

But after what feels like ages of walking, I finally make it back to a thankfully empty room. Groaning in relief, I slip my shoes off and collapse onto the nearest bed, burying my face in the thin, firm pillow.

Just when I think I'm about to drift off to sleep, there are two authoritative knocks on the door.

With a heavy sigh, I say, "come in!" In the happiest voice I can muster and sit up in the bed.

The door opens and in comes a taller, stalky women with lavender scrubs on. She has a bag over her shoulder and has an oddly serious look on her face. "I'm nurse Sasha, and I'm here to give you your birth control," she says and sets her bag on to the table and opens it.

"What?" I question and get up from bed with confusion plastered on my face.

She rolls her eyes and huffs. "Andrei has sent me due to the apparent 'sexual activities' that will be occurring very soon."

My face instantly heats up and I look away in embarrassment. "Oh, yeah.."

"Anyways," She begins and pulls out a small, tin container. "Take this every morning and don't forget. The side affects are listed on the back and it isn't 'active' until 48 hours after you've taken it." She places it into my palm then reaches back into her bag and pulls out a box this time: condoms.

"Use these too. You may be on birth control now, but it's always good to be extra cautious," she explains while she hands me the condoms.
"Now, if you ever need help, call me," she says and hands me a piece of paper with a long number on it.

Without any other instructions, she closes her bag and leaves without a goodbye.

How could THIS be my first day?!

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