Chapter 30

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The next day...

Skylar's POV

Today I've decided it was best that I had breakfast delivered to my room. Yes, I've only been back as , "The Slut the got impregnated by Andrei" for one day, but I already couldn't stand the faces I knew the maids were going to give me at today's meals. Or even possibly another remark like, fat whore or something along the lines of cursed child again.

I hear three firm knocks at the door while I run a brush through my bedhead. "Come in!" I him, ready to feast on whatever they've prepared for me. Hormones are stirring and all I long for is a nice warm- wet even, plate of food to eat. Ew, that 'wet' part didn't sound too appetizing.

Having a decent-sized mirror placed in the middle of the room, I am able to watch as the door slowly creaks open, and a little grey cart of food being pushed into my room. I expect to soon get a shallow glare from some maid who might somehow envy or just flat out hate me, but instead, I see Andrei's rare smile.

I set my brush down abruptly. "What are you doing here?" I question in a flat tone that's neither happy nor mad. "I thought you were coming for ten."

And that's when I realize that I look like the biggest idiot ever: I'm standing there in front of a mirror with the little bit of cosmetics they have given me sprawled out on the table below me and jar of pickles I swiped from the kitchen last night. Did I mention I also had a shower this morning and never changed from my towel? God, he probably thinks I'm, one: a fatass. And two: probably trying to get ready for him to see me again since it's 9:30 and what the hell else would I be beautifying for?

And no, I'm not getting ready for him... I just felt ugly when I woke up and decided I should change that.

"Change of plans." He pushes the cart into the room and looks me up and down, then back to the table of pickles and makeup which he raises an eyebrow at. "We'll have breakfast together, then you can change my bandage," he explains and begins arranging the plates of food.

I turn my back to him and clutch my towel tight in my hand. "Can you please turn around?" I ask in my calmest, most collective voice possible. If he's nice enough to do my own job, he'll do what I ask.

He lets out an airy, one second laugh. "I've seen it all before," he remarks and I hear him continue to set up breakfast.

Why is he even doing that and who turned on the, "Mister-I'l-do-whatever-for-you-and-the-baby," switch? Definitely wasn't me, that's for sure.

I sigh out deep and heavy. "Please turn around," I say again while I grab my usual outfit of a hoodie and some leggings that I found laying around in the laundry room. The guard got off his post and forgot to fill it last night, so I guess you could say I decided to do a little 'shopping'. Both pickles and leggings were totally worth the millions of steps I had to take.

"Fine," I hear him grumble.

Before I drop the towel, I turn to see if he is too, and he is.

Knowing he's the epitome of impatient, I drop the towel and scurry to get my hoodie on and pull the leggings that I now realize came from one of the maids since they're too small for me. You guessed it: almost every maid here is smaller than me, but that's alright because I'm pregnant and deserve comfort. So goodbye to whoever leggings these were; this belly is gonna make sure they're mine.

After struggling to pull on a pair of leggings, I turn back around and see Andrei is still turned around awhile tapping his foot in impatience. Typical.

"I'm done," I sigh out and carry my towel over to my laundry basket. I toss it in then walk over to the small table of breakfast goods Andrei has set up. On the table I notice there's pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, hot coffee and other things I usually witness being cooked up in the kitchen for breakfast.

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