Chapter 16

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Skylar's POV

Another 2 week later..

The last couple weeks have been amazing; No, sleeping on the floor, no hand washing clothes, no 2 minute ice showers, no Andrei... Just Maxim and I.

During this time, we've done a few secret dinner dates and make-out sessions but nothing more since I'm slightly terrified. Luckily, Maxim had called Andrei and told him my injuries were too severe to put me in a cell, so he him to lock me in the medical room until he got back; I've never been so happy to hear something!

"Pancakes or waffles?" Maxim questions as he begin to write down my order for our breakfast.

"Waffles please!" I chime and he smiles. "With strawberries, bananas, whipped cream, maple syrup, and 3 sausages!" I continue on all while counting the items on my fingers.

He smirks again with a small shake of his head. "You've worked up quite the appetite," he points out.

I look down at floor and begin threading my fingers together nervously. Well, there goes my self esteem.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him start recognize what he's said. "Must mean you're recovering well," he quickly adds but I only start feeling even sadder. "I'm going to the kitchen to get your stuff. I'll be back." He leaves in a hurry.

As I try to shake my head to dismiss my self consciousness, I push myself out of bed and walk over to the small sink in the corner of the room. I wash my hands thoroughly, then splash some cold water onto my red-from-embarassment cheeks. After, I strip from my gifted pyjamas and put on some suitable clothing for the day.

"Breakfast!" I hear as the door creaks open slowly.

"Come in!" I say with a small giggle. Never knew someone that respected my privacy this much, it's nice... I take a seat at our makeshift dining room which is the two waiting chairs and a fold out table in the centre of the room, rubbing my hands together in pure joy and anticipation. I'm starving!!

"Hope you're hungry," he says as he places a large dish of my favourite topped waffles and sausages on the side.

I breathe in the goodness of the meal, the smell reminding me of the Sundays Mama would would make the exact same thing. The crisp scent of the meat sizzling on the stove top, and the warm smell of the fresh, homemade waffles filling up your nose all the way down to your watering mouth.

Maxim proceeds to take a seat across from me and pulls out a healthy looking breakfast sandwich with all sorts of greens. He takes a bite from it as his eyes wander around the room all while mine are stuck on his bagel that's starting to look more and more gross by the second. As I continue to watch him all while chomping away at my delicious food, he notices my staring before he takes another bite.

"You want some?" he asks hesitantly. Oh no, I've scared him.

My stomach rumbles strangely. I shake my head and direct my eyes to my food once again. "It's alright, I think I'll stick to this," I say and try to take another bite, but I feel my stomach begin to churn at the thought.

When he takes another bite from his overly-healthy breakfast, I witness some spillage of what seems to be some mashed avocado and tomato gut. I never see it all, though, because before I know it, I'm hunched over the toilet letting out my gut.

"Skylar?" I hear Maxim call out followed by the sound of his hurried footsteps. I feel as his soft, gentle hands pull my hair away from my face and behind my back in one swift movement as I continue to hurl.

"Ugh," I groan once I've flushed the toilet and sat back against the wall with a thud. "I feel like crap."

Maxim smiles slightly and crouches down in front of me. "You may have a stomach bug, but lets get you all triaged before I can confirm," he explains in his sexy doctor voice which instantly has me turned on. He takes ahold of my arms and gently pulls me up off the floor. I stumble into him slightly, but he wraps his arm around me and guides me back into his office all the way to the bed where I take a seat.

"You can lay down," he says as puts on some gloves and begins getting some 'tools'. I gladly do so and he takes my temperature and asks me some questions regarding what I've been eating the past couple days.

"Maybe something expired or rotten was accidentally used in one of my meals," I suggest as I try to rub the nausea building up in my stomach.

"Maybe.." he says almost dismissively as he scrolls through his computer. I wonder what's wrong, he's seemed out of it since breakfast now. "Can I ask you some other questions now?" he asks but doesn't bother to face me.

"Sure.." I say uneasily. Well this can't be good by any means..

"When was your last period?" is the first thing he asks and my hearts starts racing as well as my brain.

"I-I don't know.." I croak and my hands start grasping each other in nervousness. "They were never very frequent since I was basically starved all the time. But it was awhile ago now.."

He looks to me for a second then nods, going back to his computer. "Were you on birth control while you were frequently sleeping with Andrei?"


"Did he wear a condom?" he asks as calm and collectively as possible.

Why the hell is he asking me this?! Is he scared I'm going to give him an STD if we sleep together? "Of course he did!" I nearly shout. "Why in gods name are you asking me all of this!?"

Taking a deep breath, he stands up from his stool and retrieves something else from his desk. "Go to the bathroom and take this," he orders and hands me the white and blue stick.

I take the stick and examine it; a pregnancy test. "I-I'm not pregnant," I gasp and my now shaky hands release the test, letting it drop to the ground in a rattle.

Maxim sighs and picks the test up again. "Just go take it," he says and looks in the opposite direction when he hands it back.

I snatch the test from his grasp then make my way into the small washroom that's only a few feet away. I lock the door and toss the stick onto the sink's counter, not caring that the impact could've broken it. Oh god, he could be right. I've been feeling very different lately and it's definitely not because Andrei's gone or that I've been eating properly, it's a feeling that just won't subside.

Before reaching for the test, I wipe the sweat off my palms and send a quick prayer to god: please don't let me be pregnant...

When I'm done, I set the stick back on the counter, then take a seat on to the rug by the shower, fetal position and all. My eyes are set on the clock; 15 minutes is all the time I have before my future is given to me.

2 minutes pass...

5 minutes...

8 minutes...


The timer I had set awakens me from my awful thoughts of having to face Maxim or even worse... Andrei after all this. My trembling body forces itself off the floor without the consent of my conscious. I reach out and grasp the test in my sweaty palms that are much sweatier than they were before.

Please don't be pregnant... Please don't be pregnant, is all I can think to myself at this very moment as I slowly turn it around to see the results.

"No..." I whisper as I feel the hotness in my eyes grow with every second that passes, staring at the test.

Two lines.

I'm pregnant..

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