Chapter 31

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A few days later...

Skylar's POV

After the day when Andrei and I had breakfast together, I've been on constant guard for the next time he shows up asking for a dressing change, and telling me how my life is going to be for now on. I don't wanna be located in a bedroom next to his. I may be in a different room, but even having seen that door a week ago, the bad memories all came flowing back to me; how will I do that everyday?

Currently it's 5 o'clock In the morning and I'm hunched over on a toilet letting all the food I've eaten from yesterday, flow like river right out of me. Before I was sent home from the hospital, I was told this nausea and vomiting would end around ten weeks, but I'm twelve, nearly thirteen weeks already and I'm only feeling more exhausted and sick each day.

But luckily I have a doctors appointment with Dr. Johnson today at around ten, so I'm hoping (praying even) that she'll have something to prescribe or even give me some information on why this hasn't stopped. I just really hope that the baby is still doing alright. I'm not sure what I would do if I just somehow lost them. I'd lose myself..

Five minutes pass and I miraculously don't throw up anymore. So I get up from the floor of the bathroom and mope towards the door, feeling even more irritated and tired than what I did before.

When I close the bathroom door behind me, my guard eyes me in the same way he's been doing for the past however long I've been in this hell-hole. As I'm about to open my mouth and say something, he very rudely interrupts me.

"You should be damn lucky I've been going against the rules and letting you have as many bathroom breaks a day as you are. If it weren't for me, you'd be knee-deep in your own waste," he snarls, then begins chuckling at the thought of it.

I try to hide my sad frown, but it appears anyways. "Sorry," is all I say before I walk ahead of him and towards my room. I just didn't feel well...

"Bitch," I hear him murmur under his breath as he follows behind.

When I reach the door, I scramble to open it, then close it as quiet and polite as possible so I don't anger him anymore. One of these days I won't even realize I've mad him angry and he'll probably try to hurt me in some way just to make himself feel better. Just surprised he hasn't done it yet.

With a long, choked-up sob, I dive back into bed and fall fast asleep under the thick, cozy blankets.

A few hours later...

For some reason, I had forgotten to set my alarm, so now I'm scurrying to get ready before the doctor arrives. It's more than likely she doesn't actually care that I'm in my pyjamas, but I'm excited to see my baby on that monitor again, so I think I should at least look a little decent for that.

A knock sounds throughout the room as I'm pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. "Come in!" I chime and quickly tidy up the mess around me. The then door opens, presenting Dr. Johnson with a large bag in hand, and a small ultra sound in the other.

"Hello!" she sings and scurries over to the bedside table that's consediently bare. "Mind if I set up over here? We're going to have to do a few tests so I want you to be comfortable."

I nod. "Of course," I reply and start to make my way over to the bed as she begins to quickly set up. I take a seat on the bed as she does the final setting-up of the ultra sound and test kits, and begin imaging how big my baby's going to look on the screen now.

She motions for me to lay down, then squirts some hand sanitizer in her palm. "Is Andrei joining us today?" she questions in a rather frightened voice.

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