Chapter 35

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Andrei's POV

I stare dead into her eyes. "Are you saying you want to die?" I already know the answer; she'll try and make me feel bad about myself and what I've done, make it seem as though a life in this castle will kill her.

Surprisingly, it only takes a few seconds before the word, "yes," leaves her mouth and she's smashing a glass lamp against her head. The first hit draws blood, and a lot of it, too.

"Skylar!" I scream and launch myself at her. I've entered panic mode, there's no turning back now. I pry the glass from her weakened hands and toss it on the bedside table. "W-what are you doing?" I hold her wrists tightly in my hands.

Her head tilts back and she looks up at me so dazed. "Go. Away." she orders and tries to wriggle her hands away, but she's too weak. The blood from her head trickles down to her face and soon stains her dress that she's still wearing from last night.

Quickly, I take off the pillow case from a pillow beside me with one arm and gently apply it to her wound as she tries to fight it off. Her words become more slurred each sentence and once I've securely place the 'bandage' she's pretty much passed out.

Before I grab my phone and dial the doctor, I check to be sure her heart is still beating. Thankfully it is.

"Hello, this is doctor Johnsons office, how may I help you?" I hear the nurse receptionist answer.

The cheerfulness of her voice makes my blood boil enough that I nearly crumple up my phone with my own bare hands. "Get the doctor on the phone NOW. It's an emergency!" I tell the nurse in the most calm voice I can possibly pull off. I don't even have to threaten her to get straight to the doctor, it only takes a few seconds and I hear her chiming through the phone.

"What's going on?" she asks, her voice not nearly as bubbly as I had thought it would be.

I continue to press down on the wound and watch as Skylar's eyes flick open every once and awhile. "Sh-she tried to kill herself. A glass lamp to the head.."

I try to hide sadness and desperation in my voice, but it's no use. I'm starting to care too damn much about this girl and I'm not sure how to stop it.

She gasps. "I'm not far. I'll be right there!" and she hangs up.

I think about calling Ivan or Dimitri, but I don't. I just stand beside her, watching her now peaceful figure as I continue to apply pressure to the wound on her head. That's until I place my free hand on her belly and feel something move slightly underneath me. I smile. "I never thought I'd be able to do this.." I say.

The next few minutes feel like an eternity of just praying that Skylar will be fine, that the baby will still make it, that we will still get married and have this baby together... I don't know what I'll do if neither of them make it. What will my purpose be anymore?

The door suddenly bursts open and Dr. Johnson and the same nurse who had taken care of Skylar both come barreling in, medical bags in hand. They immediately open the bags and start pulling items out as soon as they see what's happen.

"How long has she been unconscious?" Dr. Johnson asks as places a stethoscope on Skylar's chest. She listens closely for a moment, then finally draws back with a somewhat satisfied look upon her face. She turns to the nurse. "Breathing and heart rate is good for now. Let's get her hooked up to the monitor just to be sure." She turns back to me. "Go on"

I glance at my watch as she takes my place holding the pillowcase to Skylar's head. "20 minutes," I say regretfully. It's been too long, she's probably lost too much blood by now...

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